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Complete France Forum

Excuse my ignorance but i dont know what to do first!

the wee p

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I have moved with my husband and small child to Brittany, been here since May, i am not entitled to E106 as i havent worked in past two years, i have tried to read the CPAM site and others to get info but i am not sure what my first step should be with regards to health care and top ups etc.

My husband is continuing to work with his father who has also moved here, they both work from home with there online company.  They have met an accountant who advised there is no rush for us to apply for our carte de sejour.

I have also been to our mairie to register (enregistrement des citoyens européens) but with very little success i was handed a brochure on the village!

I am very un sure as to what i should do first, any advice please? We both speak a little french as were learning which isnt helping!.


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Sorry to appear blunt, but I notice you joined the forum eighteen months ago and since then, the issues concerning healthcare in France have been subject to massive discussion on this forum section...

You are obliged to have your healthcare situation regularised within three months of arriving here in May, and this can be through your husband's employment in France (I'm assuming here, that as they are operating the business within France, they've properly set up as a registered company here and are paying French tax and social contributions).  If so, then your husband should arrange to have you and your child included on his health insurance as dependents (ayant droit). 

If you are an EU citizen, then you are not required to obtain a carte de sejour.  Nor are you (yet) required to register with your mairie.


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