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EHIC renewal


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I have just realised that our EHICs expired in May this year as we applied last year at the same time as we applied for our cartes vitales.

What I want to know is, do we need to reapply with CPAM?

Our cartes vitales are also "out of date" but we continue to be able to use them and I wonder if the same goes for the EHICs or whether we should now reapply.

It's not urgent for us at this time as we are not planning on going anywhere but it would be good to know what is the right thing to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just want to thank Clair again; the OH's card came today (within the promised quinze jours).

Also wish others to know that you have to make an application for each person in your household.  As I am on my husband's carte vitale, I waited to see if both our cards would be renewed.  But only his came; so I have applied in my own name today.

No probs, however, as we are going nowhere out of the country (sigh).  Would be nice if we were going visiting instead of having all these visitors coming to us!  But I'm not talking about those today as it's hot and I don't want to suffer an apoplectic fit.

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It is such a pain that these cards have to be renewed annually. The ones issued in England seem to last forever - well longer than one year anyway.

We were in Spain and needed medical attention only to be told that our cards had expired the previous day. We had to pay the full amount so be warned.
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Benjamin, I'm getting them because ours had run out and I can't help but think about if we have to go somewhere in a hurry.  As far as I'm concerned, I like ours to be current and keep them with our (current) passports.  Don't everybody?

Incidentally, I might have guessed it could not be that simple.  Just had an email back from Ameli requesting that I send them my birth certificate.  They certainly didn't ask for the OH's; must be because he has his own SS number whereas I am a mere "dependant"!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

As far as I'm concerned, I like ours to be current and keep them with our (current) passports.  Don't everybody?


Yep. Knackers spontaneous travel if I have to wait a couple of weeks for an EHIC (CEAM) to be renewed.

I've assumed that the UK-issued EHIC runs for years because entitlement to NHS care doesn't change unless one leaves the country (though I am sure there are exceptions to this blanket assumption [;-)]) whereas entitlement to French health care can change as can the provider. For that reason, perhaps Ameli wants to ensure that entitlement to an EHIC is validated each year.

And of course an added benefit is that it probably keeps a few fonctionnaires in jobs...[:P]

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What, jobs for the boys, Catalpa?  Surely not!  Thought I left all that sort of stuff behind when I left Wales and no longer have anything to do with the Welsh Assembly.

But, please don't set me off on that one or I'll be here all night.

In the meantime, not yet able to locate my birth certificate or indeed do anything about sending it off.  I have two of the most awkward visitors that I've had so far since we came to France (and, believe me, I've had a fair few).  Of course, it doesn't help that one of the visitors is my very own sister.

I am getting depressed at the idea that I might just be sharing some of her genetic makeup!  Still, she does have many good points but, unfortunately, I don't think I share any of her nice genes, only her less attractive ones![:-))]

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Applied for new EHIC online last week. Suppose they will delay sending them to us as today we have received the annual forms to complete to request continuation in CPAM.      Every year we send them all the paperwork and every year, after about 6 weeks they write again and say they still haven't received the paperwork, please can we send it!. I think this year we will send one lot, wait two weeks and then send it all again. Perhaps that will work!!
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Mayennaise, are you miles from your local CPAM bureau?  Is it worth calling in person?

We have a lady bureacrat from Saintes come to us on a market day to deal with the hoi-polloi.  Think I'll go see her instead as I don't want them to lose my birth certificate (I mean, not when I will have spent hours locating it, wherever it might be!)

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After following the early posts in this thread, ours came back exactly 2 wks after completing the online applications.

I was quite emotional on receipt of same, because it's the 1st time that Nimes CPAM has done something:

  • quickly
  • correctly
  • without asking for additional information
  • and without 3 or 4 people being involved 
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Just reporting back.  I think I posted that, although OH got his card back within the promised fortnight, when I asked for mine on line, I was requested to supply date of birth.

I thought that was because the Carte Vitale is the OH's and I am a mere dependant and therefore have to prove that I was entitled.

Had an email from CPAM asking for birth certificate.  Decided that I'd go see the CPAM lady when she was next in town on a market day as I didn't want to risk the original leaving my possession.

Emailed back to say, thank you lots and I will be providing evidence of when I was born (as though the mirror doesn't tell me that already!)

But, wait for this, lo and behold new EHIC card arrived today without my having to do anything else.  CPAM lady not due for another week and I have been too busy with visitors to dig out my birth cert nevermind scan it and email it.

To what do I owe this piece of good luck?  Don't know and don't care, just happy that that is one thing that I can now take off my "to do" list.

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[quote user="Catalpa"]Knackers spontaneous travel if I have to wait a couple of weeks for an EHIC to be renewed.


If your EHIC has run out, you forgot to order another one and you need a replacement in a hurry, then if you fill in online as usual with your departure date the CPAM can issue a paper attestation within a couple of days which is valid in lieu of the card.  Ours did.  Though the card arrived before we left anyway.

The EHIC section and payments section of our CPAM seem to function perfectly.

Cue for wheels to fall off.

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[quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="sweet 17"]

No probs, however, as we are going nowhere out of the country (sigh). 


So why did you get them? They have an expiry date one year from when they're issued.


Bit like insurance I suppose B? You never need it until you need it.[:D]

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