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URSAFF Payments


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Firstly, I apologise if this question has been asked before, but could someone explain how the payments to URSSAF work.  The reason I am asking is that in June 2008 we received an Avis d'echance from URSSAF asking for cotisations for the 2nd quarter (which we paid).  We never received one asking for payment for the 1st quarter but I am guessing that is because our letter of affiliation from CPAM said our cotisation would be from 01/04/2008.. Am I correct in thinking that we will receive the bill for the 3rd quarter sometime during September, for payment before the end of September?


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We are in the same position as you (paid in June for the second quarter 2008), and we are expecting another demand for the September payment. It says in the letter 'Un appel vous sera transmis pour chaque échéance', which I understand to mean that they will make a demand for each instalment. I have today been doing battle with the endless photocopies they have requested (again!) to accompany the application for the year commencing October 2008.

All good clean fun, I suppose.....

Kind regards

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[quote user="Loirette"]

Am I correct in thinking that we will receive the bill for the 3rd quarter sometime during September, for payment before the end of September?

 Yes.  The next one in December will be based on your new tariff calculated from your 2007 income.


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