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CMU de base or CMU complementaire?


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We have been in the CMU de base for 3 years paying cotisations but  just noticed that our income for 2007 has fallen below the threshold. We are about to send in our renewal application and wondered what will happen. Does anybody know what the exact rules are please?



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Thanks for that, but my french is not that good. I pay a top up insurance as well as cotisations and I think that implies I wouldn't have to? But what happens next year if my income increases and I cancel my top up?


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Some quick points:

1)  The platform for resources is calculated on the basis of the twelve calendar months preceding the date of your application rather than an individual tax year.

2)  If you are awarded CMUC, then if your mutuelle is on the list of approved organisations, then you can nominate them to continue managing your 'top up' with their premiums being paid by your CPAM.

3)  If you stay with your existing mutuelle and your right of CMUC is subsequently lost due to your earnings exceeding the threshold, you are entitled to a year's extension to the benefits at a reduced premium.  After the year is up, you revert to the full commercial premium rate.


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