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Killed by a wasp this week - please beware!


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Further to the post by Val2 regarding wasp stings.......... http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1347079/ShowPost.aspx

 We've just had our next door neighbour around to inform us that one of our close neighbours in our village died yesterday after being stung on his hand by a wasp whilst having breakfast. Apparently he had never had a similar reaction but his hand swelled up and he died of a heart attack before the Pompiers got there. He was only 48 and worked in the woods most days cutting firewood. It was really sad as they lost there 18 year old son last year in an accident and now madame is all alone.

My OH was stung twice by a Frelon last summer and we didn't realise at the time how serious it could have been until our Doctor who is also a family friend, gave her a telling off for not getting down to the surgery. We have one of those "Aspivenin" suction pumps to extract the sting venom, but you have to work fast for them to be effective and often the stings are in akward places ( between the toes/fingers etc).

Are wasp stings more dangerous? Is there a new strain of killer wasp on the loose?  I've had lot's of dealings with hornets and have a healthly respect of them especially when we come across their nests whilst working on peoples houses, but I find they are much less bothered by human presence than wasps who I now am very wary of.





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Thats pretty horrific Paul but shows just how venomous these little buggers really are and how people who have been stung previously are now having these serious allergies. It does make you wonder if something has happened with the evolution of these insects and they are becoming more dangerous. When we got to the medical centre the doctor said that those aspivenom things are not the best solution and its far better to get an injection asap as the venom moves very fast indeed. We are now pretty alert when we hear that familiar buzzing noise in the house.
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I got stung on the leg this week by a waspie - serves me right for going to empty the kitchen waste into the compost bin in my nightie!  I used the Aspivenin straight away and used Onctose cream for a couple of days until I noticed it'd gone septic so changed to Cetavlon (Savlon).  The swelling was about 12cm across and it was really red and hot.  Then changed to some antibiotic compresses I had in stock.  The swelling is reduced as is the redness but it's still a bit septic.  If it's not cleared up in a couple of days I'll get it checked out. Bluddy hurt like hell.

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Interesting, my wife was recently stung by a wasp at the recylcing site in the village. She had a similar arm swelling reaction. This week a French female friend of ours who previously had no reaction to them was stung It spread up her arm and right across her chest, neck and face, closing one eye. She needed injected antihistamines. The previous Sunday a Spanish friend was stung in front of me over lunch. I poured cider vinegar on it straight away, she had no adverse reaction
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