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Letter received from CPAM


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Yes, it means that you have been excluded from the CMU as of 30 September 2008 as you have failed to show that you have a right by continued residence in France to be in it.

You should have had a letter to be returned by 15 September along with evidence of your continued residence which for all in the CMU now with few exceptions was your 2008 tax advice.  They required a copy to be sent back with the signed letter.  If you did that an early trip to your local CPAM might be highly recommended with a copy of your tax advice.

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Sorry my fault I should have said it was in connection with our taking my E121 into the CPAM recently. I just wondered what the significance of that was. I take that the UK now makes a contribution for health care so we don't have to so I assume we don't pay a contribution now. Is this why they have said this?..........................J 
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[quote user="Poppy"] I thought the CMU Complementaire was a free top up insurance[geek][/quote]

For those eligible for access to CMU, if they have insufficient resources, they would be eligible for CMU complimentaire, whereas if they had sufficient resources, then they would be eligible for CMU de base.

Those who access health care by any E form, do not do so via the CMU.  Therefore any top up would be via a mutuelle, unless they had a quailfying ALD.

Hope this helps a little, but there is plenty more info in the health threads.


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CMU complimentaire is a free top-up and eligibility is based on resources and not necessarily limited to those on CMU de base.  The Ameli website gives an example of someone currently on unemployment benefit who qualifies for CMUC but not CMUdB as his 'worker's' caisse continues to provide his basic cover.

In practical terms, foreign 'inactives' registered under an E121 are required to have 'sufficient resources' which will likely to put them over the threshold for CMUC.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

In practical terms, foreign 'inactives' registered under an E121 are required to have 'sufficient resources' which will likely to put them over the threshold for CMUC.


On a slight tangent, but I have been puzzling over this: if you have been living in France for over 5 years and are therefore a bona fide French resident, and have an E121 through a UK state pension (you will have an E121 even if it is a part-pension, i.e. not full amount), then you find yourself not having "sufficient resources". Do you then get told to pack and leave (as you cannot support yourself since you do not meet the criterion), or do you qualify for any help (for example, to make your income up to the minimum vieillesse if you are over 65?).

In other words, if you have for over 5 years, been living with "insufficient resources", with the newer measures now, are you then treated as a French person and entitled to CMU complémentaire,  or as an EU indesirable and asked to leave?

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]CMU complimentaire is a free top-up and eligibility is based on resources and not necessarily limited to those on CMU de base.  The Ameli website gives an example of someone currently on unemployment benefit who qualifies for CMUC but not CMUdB as his 'worker's' caisse continues to provide his basic cover.[/quote]

Interesting point, thanks SD[:D]


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[quote user="5-element"][quote user="Sunday Driver"]

In practical terms, foreign 'inactives' registered under an E121 are required to have 'sufficient resources' which will likely to put them over the threshold for CMUC.


On a slight tangent, but I have been puzzling over this: if you have been living in France for over 5 years and are therefore a bona fide French resident, and have an E121 through a UK state pension (you will have an E121 even if it is a part-pension, i.e. not full amount), then you find yourself not having "sufficient resources". Do you then get told to pack and leave (as you cannot support yourself since you do not meet the criterion), or do you qualify for any help (for example, to make your income up to the minimum vieillesse if you are over 65?).


The immigration regulations state that the criteria for sufficient resources and own healthcare insurance no longer apply once you have been living here in a stable and regular (ie, legal) manner for five years.  Once you pass the five years, you are classed as permanently resident and you then qualify for assistance on the same basis as any other French person.



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this is interesting, if your classed as a french resident because you've lived here for more than 5 years, when you reach uk retirement age are you under an obligation to get an e121 or can you remain in the cmu and therefore get the cmu complementaire if your under the threshold ???

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Lets understand the logic here.  You defer your UK pension so as not to get an E121 and to keep your income below the payment threshold of the CMU base so you pay nothing into the CMU in order to get get the CMU complementaire for nothing.

 So instead of getting your UK pension of 100€ or so a week and your CMU paid by way of an E121 you get a base mutuelle that would cost about 60€ a month for free.  Sounds a really great idea to me[blink][:'(].

Considering that you or another poppy have already posted "We came in 1990 and had to obtain a CdS and prove we had adequate income"  how are you going to suddenly not declare those pensions of your's? 

Before people go ahead hatching wizzo schemes to defraud the country they now live in and encourage other Brits also to scrounge off the state and not to pay their way, not to mention risking visits from CPAM officials who will want to know how they can survive on an income less than the UK OAP, you should also have a little look through this old thread to see how your "friends" might view you in future.[:P]


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Knew you would appear Ron [:D]

Not trying to hatch any wizzo schemes and not talking about not declaring anything.  After all with an E121 you don't pay social charges on the pension.  It was just a thought whether if you are unfortunate enough to be under the income level for CMU and have an E121can you get assistance with the topup.

Have amended previous post incase it is gives the wrong idea.



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Just read some of the posts on the link you have provided.

I'd no idea it is all so complex.  But then, being the simple soul that I am, I just comply with the rules and accept whatever is told me.

I did find the info on the other thread of great interest, Ron, so thanks for providing it.

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