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Children's Vaccinations


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Thank you so much Clarkkent. I so hope reading this thread may help parents who are so worried about the Wakefield scare, and help put their mind at rest.

Wakefield has been charge for gross misconduct and many other offences, but the case still go on.

To go back to the French aspect of the question - the Law is clear and all schools/creches should check that vaccinations are up-to-date. Why is this not being done?

As said before, this has come as a shock as the French concept of 'vaccination obligation' has been hailed by GPs, medical schools, in the UK - as an ideal example. GPs were offered financial incentives to work harder at improving vaccination rates, post Lancet MMR scare, which further added to issues with trust.

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I fail to understand how the unvaccinated can be a threat to the vaccinated! Seems a little bit strange. What's the medical profession afraid of, if their wonderful vaccinations are so effective? Also there has recently been a case in the US where the MMR jab was directly linked to autism. There was an article in New Scientist magazine about it not so long ago. Apparently the parents won the case! As I said before, there is a rise in chronic illness in young children who have been given these multiple jabs. Of course most of the medical profession say it isn't true, but then they would. They get a bonus every time they vaccinated a kid.
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[quote user="caro"] Also there has recently been a case in the US where the MMR jab was directly linked to autism. There was an article in New Scientist magazine about it not so long ago. Apparently the parents won the case! [/quote]


A search through the New Scientist reveals an item on 8 March referring to a couple who say that “the regular childhood vaccines” caused their daughter to develop autism. The federal government is reported to have decided to compensate the couple.


The item states that an internet newspaper, The Huffington Post, reports that “the child developed a fever after receiving scheduled vaccinations in 2000 for haemophilus influenzae, chickenpox, polio, MMR, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio when she was 18 months old. Autism-like symptoms, such as poor communication skills followed.”


However, it was found that the child had mitochondria which were not properly functioning and “tests revealed a mutation in a gene linked to mitochondrial function.”


In this case it is not possible to say that her condition was caused by MMR, there are just too many variables. My understanding of the case (very limited) is that no specific vaccine is being “blamed” but this is a case of general vaccine damage. Of course, the case also begs the question of whether the “autism-like symptoms" would have developed anyway had the child not been vaccinated.


Nowhere in this report does it say that "the MMR jab was directly linked to autism" and the parents do not seem to be making any such claim. I don’t think that this incident adds anything to the case against MMR other than further opportunities for mischievous journalism.

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Again thanks for the balance Clark Kent... I remember being told on one training course that Autism isn't usually detected until around 18 months of age, which has also added fuel to the MMR debate... not sure if this is still the case today.  It is clearly an emotive subject and parents will have strong views on both sides... I guess this is one subject that is always going to be down to individual choice.

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if it is French Law,, with 6 months in prison + around E4000 fine - is it really parental choice in France? For a calendar of what is required Google 'calendrier de vaccinations. There is a good guide on French education on the Mairie de Versailles site.

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But I have friends whose 4 children haven't had a single vaccination odile - who is responsible for giving out the fines and prison sentences?  I am not saying that what you're saying is incorrect and I'm not being argumentative but I've never heard of vaccination refusal resulting in an arrest.


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Here's a vaccination chart for wee P.  Sorry - but you will have to use a frech-english medical dictionary if there are words you don't understand.  There is one on this thread somewhere I think.

Bébé reçoit un grand nombre de vaccins lors de sa première année. Durant les premiers mois de sa vie, il bénéficie des anticorps maternels mais contre certaines maladies infectieuses, comme la coqueluche, ils sont inefficaces. La vaccination confère ainsi à l'enfant une immunité contre ces maux plus ou moins durable, d'où la nécessité d'effectuer des rappels.

Calendrier des vaccinations 2005 - Tableau synoptique
ÂgeBCGDiphtérie TétanosPoliomyélite (1)CoquelucheHibHépatite BPneumoRougeole Oreillons RubéoleGrippe
NaissanceB.C.G. ** - (2)Hep B ** - (3)
2 moisB.C.G. (2)D.T. *Polio *C.e./C.a. * - (4)H.i.b. *H.e.p. B * - (5)P.n.7 ** - (6)
3 moisD.T. *Polio *C.e./C.a. * - (4)H.i.b. *P.n.7 ** - (6)
4 moisD.T. *Polio *C.e./C.a. * - (4)H.i.b. *H.e.p. B * - (5)P.n.7 ** - (6)
9 moisRougeole Oreillons Rubéole ** - (7)
12 moisRougeole Oreillons Rubéole (8)Grippe ** - (9)
16-18 moisD.T. *Polio *C.e./C.a. * - (10)H.i.b. *H.e.p. B * (5)P.n.7 ** - (6)Rougeole Oreillons Rubéole (8)
24 mois
< 6 ansP.n.23 ** - (19)Rougeole Oreillons Rubéole (8)
6 ansD.T. * - (11)Polio *
11-13 ansD.T. *Polio *C.a. * - (12)H.e.p. B (13)
16-18 ansD.T. * - (11)Polio *Rougeole Oreillons Rubéole (15)
18-25 ansd.T * - (16) - (17)Polio * - (16)C.a. * - (18)
> 25 ansRubéole (20)
> 65 ansd.T * - (16) - (17)Polio * - (16)Grippe (21)

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Hi Puzzled  the polio vaccine usd to be given on sugar cube- but it was later proven that the immunity can wane after some years. As it is was an oral vaccine, there were cases of parents catching polio via the childrens faeces. so it is now given by injection.

I think it is very interesting how many ideas/concepts are seen differently just across a little bit of water. Due to our respective histories, religion (until the national curriculum) was the only compulsory subject in UK schools, whereas in France, since the revolution, it is not allowed in French schools (apart from Catholic schools). Similarly, since the Revolution, the concept of individual liberty is less important as that of the collectivity. Hence in the US and UK, the concept of refusing vaccination is seen an individual right, in France it is seen as a threat/danger for the whole community. Indeed, the refusal to have ones children vaccinated is seen a form of child abuse- and is compared to members of sects refusing blood donation or other treatment. L'absence de vaccination obligatoire justifie le refus d'inscription dans un etablissement d'enseignement scolaire et d'education, publique ou prive. Dans le cas d'un refus de vaccination par les parents, la responsabilite d'un Directeur par rapport aux autres enfants de l'ecole est engagee. En acceptant un enfant non vaccine dans son ecole, il pend le rique d'une diffusion de certaines maladies. Le refus de vaccination est considere comme une maltraitance par refus de soins.


Some schools which have a large proportion of vaccination refusals, like Steiner schools, have been raided by police and inspectors and asked to conform. The Governement has also made it clear to GPs that a derogation cannot be given as a vague contra-indication- but that clear, precise, medical grounds must be given. Some doctors have actually been temporarily suspended for giving unsuitable grounds for derogation. The OMS is also really concerned that non-vaccination is spreading to Africa, with very severe consequences for the fight against measles and polio.

On another thread, expats are complaining about foreigners in the UK not wanting to follow UK law. It goes both ways I reckon.

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[quote user="odile"]Hi Puzzled  the polio vaccine usd to be given on sugar cube- but it was later proven that the immunity can wane after some years. As it is was an oral vaccine, there were cases of parents catching polio via the childrens faeces. so it is now given by injection.


I was puzzled by that one too.  I recently needed a tetanus booster, and the vaccine that I was given at the pharmacy also included a polio vaccine.  When the nurse came to give the injection, she refused to administer the polio vaccine.  She was very much against any vaccines that were not absolutely necessary. 

Had I insisted then she would no doubt have given me the polio vaccine, but as it was only the tetanus one that I wanted or needed, I saw no point.

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