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Can anyone advise me please...

I am moving to France with my partner and we intend to have a civil partnership when we get there.

He is pensionable age and I am not. If we go through with the civil partnership, will I be entitled to the same benefits as him?

Ie. free state care?



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If you get pacsed in France, if he has a British state pension, then you would also be able to tag on to his insurance.

Notwithstanding , since you are living in " union libre ", and if you fulfil the conditions hereafter :

Bénéfice des prestations de la Sécurité sociale 

Si la personne qui vit avec le concubin est à sa

charge effective, totale et permanente, et si le concubin est assuré

social du régime général de la Sécurité sociale, elle bénéficie de

l'assurance maladie maternité en qualité d'ayant droit et, dans

certains cas, de l'assurance décès.

You would have to be dependant on him.

then you should try a soon as he is registered here.


Once each of you has the CMU Health insurance, then it would be advisable to contract a top-up insurance, at least for hospital care.  That is an individual matter, where each has to pay.



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Giant panda has forgotten to mention that you do not get any healthcare in France if you or your partner are in receipt of a UK OAP without applying for an E121 form from the UK   He is also incorrect in stating that you are covered by the CMU , that is only available to those on low incomes or by contribution of 8% of income if you are an early retiree.  You would be covered by the general French medical system as are those on E 106s, not the CMU.

The possession of an E121 allows you to be covered for the "70%" which is paid for by the UK Government, assuming that you are UK citizens and qualify for the UK OAP.  People of a younger age in a PACS are normally allowed to piggyback on to an E121 but that must be agreed by the DWP and the French CPAM particularly if there is a significany age gap.

Do a search for E121 on the UK DWP website and that will tell you how to apply for one.

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No minefield of bureaucracy, diddly.  It's quite straightforward and one of the easiest things to do in France.

Step one is for your partner to contact the DWP and request a form E121.  This is a certificate confirming that the UK will meet his French state health insurance costs. They'll want his NI number to confirm he's in receipt of his old age pension, then they'll post the E121 to him.

Step two - when he receives it, he will have to visit your local CPAM office  - that's the state health insurance office that will set up and 'manage' your account.  He hands over the E121 and they'll register you both and send him an attestation confirming you are now covered.  At a later date, you'll receive a letter inviting you to apply for photo cartes vitals which will automate the reimbursement process for you.

That's about it, really.....[;-)]




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Sunday Driver - I think you should be much more careful about giving definitive advice on this - there is a lot of money at stake here as I believe this couple are thinking of moving to France from Cyprus and will be getting a PACS agreement only on arrival in France.  I think Ron Avery's advice was much better - check it out with Newcastle as to their definition of whether you are acceptable as a 'dependant' and with the CPAM in the area you are moving to. 



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