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Another flu vaccine question


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Anyone been offered Serum de Yersin flu vaccine instead of an injection. My doc suggested I have flu vaccine for the first time this year and after some discussion about the problems associated with injection for some folk and maybe in consideration of my current medical condition he suggested this alternative vaccine which is taken by mouth. You take one tube full of what looks like fine powder once a week for three weeks then a week off and after that a repeat for another three weeks and so on during the flu season for a certain number of times. Be interested to know if anyone has tried this and how they got on with it. There are supposed to be no side effects................................JR
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What please are the 'related' problems with injections of the flu vacine?  I have to take the vacine as my wife's immune system is shot to pieces as a result of an anti-thf drug (for rheumatoid arthritis) and obviously my wife too has to take the injection.

Thus 'problems' with the injection starts me thinking......................

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Hi, I think this is something only your wife and your doctor, who knows the complete medical history, can decide. There are a lot of both pros and cons for flu vaccines on the net at both lay-person and professional level. This paper seems to support vaccine for RA people http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/kel366v1 who are on TNF drugs. Important factors may be how recent steroids  like prednisone have been taken although a quick search shows that vaccine is still recommended for children taking steroids for asthma. Again only a health professional can help you decide what to do. A second opinion from a rheumatologist might be a good idea though I have not gone that route with my Ankylosing Spondylitis and Crohn's. It may be a question of choosing the lesser of two statistical evils!...........................................................................JR
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