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Re: Query re reimbursement for dental work


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On a recent visit I asked the Dentist to repair what I had left. I thought I'd just get a couple of fillings but ended up with 2 ceramic teeth and bridge needing 4 visits in 3 weeks.Very pleased with the outcome but given a bill for 940 euros.I have C.V. and normal 100% cover but wasn't expecting much back.Within 2 weeks from CPAM and Radiance I had 560 euros repaid, much to my surprise. Bearing in mind the last work of the same nature I had done in UK 25-26 years ago ,cost £990.

So. I would imagine some of the payment will find it's way back into your bank but how they work it out remains a total mystery.


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The CPAM refunds for dental work are shown here:


How much your mutuelle refunds on top of that depends on the policy you have chosen.

For instance, my mutuelle offers levels of cover for dental work, starting at 100%, then 130%, 165%, 240% and 280%, as well as varying % according to the type of dental work.

Remember that 100% does not mean 100% of what you have paid, but 100% of the cost recognised by CPAM, which is much lower than the actual cost of most dental care.

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