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health care for my mother of 57 years.


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Hello to you all :)

I'm new to this forum, I've just stumbled accross it browsing the web, having lived here in the Rhone Valley (26) for 3 years already.  My question relates to my mother of 57 years, who has been living here with me since a fall in July (she broke her wrist) in October she fell yet again and broke the arm futher up, both of which needs at least 6 months of "kine" or physiotherapy.  She was operated in Romans sur Isere (26) and the E111 card worked for then, but that was July.  We are facing the prospect that she might need long term care, because she has nobody in the UK that can help her as I can.  She is 3 years from official retirement age, I was annoyed by the responce of the UK pension serive who told me that she is 3 years too early for a health card, and since she has been here for more than 3 months, her card will not work. 

I am starting a business in April.  I am going to put her on the business name as 50% business ownership, this will entitle her to full benifits, but for the moment she is inbetween the British system and the French system, nobody seems to be able to cover her.  She still has on-going kine (physio), and she still needs the same medication for her heart (heart operation in 1992), and pressure tablets, colestorol etc.  I seem to be caught up in administrative small print, which does not respect current events.  Administration has no feeling. 

I am worrying for her, she needs help.  The UK has let her down, even though my father (5 years deceed), has payed into the pension service since the late 60's.  She is left to fend for herself.  What am I to do?

If she falls again (which might happen), I'll be (dans le merde) as the French say.  Does anybody have advise for us?  I'd be grateful for any help someone can provide.

Warmest wishes for 2009 to everyone on this site.

David - Tain L'Hermitage, DROME 26

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She really does appear to me to be in the m*rde, as you say.  Anybody who moved here after November 2007 is now obliged to take out private health insurance in order to be allowed to live here, unless they are employed or have reached UK state retirement age.  Was she working before she moved over?  If so she may have some residual E106 entitlement (up to 30 months after she stopped work) which could possibly cover her until she is established in your business.
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Hi there, thanks for your reply.  She did not work, but I have had the french CAM (casse d'assurance maladie) on the phone, they said "for the moment" the E111 card STILL works, even though it's over the limit, she said, don't do anything until you start your business, then she'll be automatically covered by the business.  Guess I'll have to wait 'till April at the latest!  :)

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