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Hope someone can help[:D]

Does anyone know what the name is for cream for the treatment of chilblains please???  I know what chilblains are called in French, but unfortunately, my glossary doesn't include the names of treatments (unlike NHS Direct on the web!!)  Don't really want to go to the docs as I usually avoid them[:P]!  Any advice greatly appreciated


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I know my neighbour buys Avibon baume (cream) from the pharmacy without a prescription for her chilblains - costs about five or six euros.  Like you she doesn't like going to the doctor unless she has to, though I think if the chilblains become ulcerated (they did one winter) she will grit her teeth and book an appointment.


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I got those once and my GP prescribed a haemorrhoid cream, saying that both conditions required a similar treatment (increased blood flow). It worked a treat and I still have the cream, although I have never needed to use it again.

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