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I ve lost my voice ...


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[quote user="Frenchie"]But coughing away is not very sexy is it ?? [:)][:D][:D][/quote]Being as you posed that as a question I'll respond by saying I'm not sure I can totally agree. I'm struggling how to put this delicately but can only think of one word - contractions - or perhaps if I mentioned Belly Dancers........[:$] [6] [:D]

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[quote user="ErnieY"][quote user="Frenchie"]But coughing away is not very sexy is it ?? [:)][:D][:D][/quote]Being as you posed that as a question I'll respond by saying I'm not sure I can totally agree. I'm struggling how to put this delicately but can only think of one word - contractions - or perhaps if I mentioned Belly Dancers........[:$] [6] [:D]




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Got it now !!    LOL  when I talk, can't sing..

At some moments I can talk ( with a very husky " broken" voice) , then suddenly I can only whisper..  I think my voice needs a rest..

But what s funny is that when u whisper, people whisper back !! [:D][:D][:D]


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Coucou Frenchie - glad to hear you had a really good time at St Sylvestre! sorry about the sore throat, cough, etc.... And interesting news about He from Derbyshire. Very pretty Derbyshire, and not far from moi!

Grave concern about medical practice in France though. Steroids are very dangerous drugs and should really not be given for a cold- unless you have a history of severe ashtma! does your GP really gives you steroids every time????

Bonne Annee et bonne chance avec Mr. I.

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Coucou Odile !

Glad to se you back online !

Yes, good festive period, good start to the year but my health is so so ...

Yes, cortisone is what doctors ( not only mine) give to patients who have a " tracheo laryngite " and have lost their voice.......

Thanks for the wishes to Ian and I .. He's so worried about my health, I told him it was not so severe !! [:)]

My best wishes to you too, bonne année !!


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You could try this renchie? http://www.takeabenylinday.co.uk/

The add vert has caused a bit of a stir apparently. Advising people to stay at home? http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/jan/07/benylin-advert .

My favorit for when I'm bad is 1/2 bottle of brandy twice a day till it's gone. It doesn't help the cold/flu/etc, but you just don't care!!!
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[quote user="powerdesal"]Whisky + hot water + sugar + lemon juice + a paracetamol dissolved (optional)

It works for me.

Swap the sugar (refined white sugar weakens the bodies resistance to fight off illness) for honey, Manuka honey if possible.

Or Suck a fisherman's friend! but that's a different story [:-))]

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[quote user="teapot"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]Whisky + hot water + sugar + lemon juice + a paracetamol dissolved (optional)

It works for me.


Swap the sugar (refined white sugar weakens the bodies resistance to fight off illness) for honey, Manuka honey if possible.

Or Suck a fisherman's friend! but that's a different story [:-))]


I prefer bee honey for choice, what does a 'Manuka' look like   [:P]

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="teapot"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]Whisky + hot water + sugar + lemon juice + a paracetamol dissolved (optional)

It works for me.

Swap the sugar (refined white sugar weakens the bodies resistance to fight off illness) for honey, Manuka honey if possible.

Or Suck a fisherman's friend! but that's a different story [:-))]


I prefer bee honey for choice, what does a 'Manuka' look like   [:P]



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I ve never been too keen on fishermen's friends    [:D] And I'm not sure my partner would agree    LOL

I leave that to a co teacher at my school, she s crazy about them    LOL

Took my last three tablets of cortisone this morning, I tried the onion recipe too, my voice is slowly coming back but still really husky ..

How long will it take? just dunno........


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REST it - it's the only way - so try to plan your lessons on worksheets, book stuff, listening activities,tapes, videos, /DVDs. Last year I had Italian lesson at a school with an interactive white board- that would be fantastic for a teacher with a lost voice! Bonne chance.

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[quote user="KathyC"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="teapot"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]Whisky + hot water + sugar + lemon juice + a paracetamol dissolved (optional)

It works for me.

Swap the sugar (refined white sugar weakens the bodies resistance to fight off illness) for honey, Manuka honey if possible.

Or Suck a fisherman's friend! but that's a different story [:-))]


I prefer bee honey for choice, what does a 'Manuka' look like   [:P]

You hum it, I'll play it![;-)]




What price is Frenchie's happiness [kiss]

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