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end of E106

petit chateau

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I hope someone can please help me. I know this question has been asked and answered before but each case is slightly different.

We have been told our carte vitale is no longer valid as our cover from E106 has finished, we have been renovating our home to make a chambres d'hotes and we are ready to open. we have registered with the mairie and have obtained a licence from the dounes but i think we need to register somewhere else in order to pay cotisations to stay in the healthcare system. Does anyone have any help they can offer on either where to register the business and what to do re CPAM. Thank you in advance, we are in Dept 65


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I have to tell you that my knowledge of how the system operates for the employed is a bit limited.  However, as you were (as I gather from your other thread) living here in November '07, it is not necessary to have a business to get health cover.  You simply need to take your E106 termination letter to your CPAM, along with your 2007 tax return; proof of residence (utility bills etc) your passports, and a RIB from your bank (I may have forgotten something but if so somebody will correct me). They will then put you in the system and you will be charged 8% of your RFR (which you will find on said tax return) for the privelege, via URSAAF.

If you do have a business and you manage to register it (you need to refer to the response to your other question to find out how to do this), then you will not get your healthcare through CPAM, but via the caisse which deals with your business.  That's where you lose me I'm afraid but others will know.

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