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Thank you for your replys, unfortunately, I can't risk getting my glasses on line, my prescription is quite high, so I need to know that my lens will be ultra thin, plus because there are varifocals, they measure where on the lens, your reading line will be, I don't suppose the fact that I am 62, and although we fill out a tax form every year we don't pay any, hears hoping.
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Hi Belle

None of this is a problem, I am 70, and have just ordered my second pair of spes from the internet, all you need is a perscription and on it a PD distance, my first pair of varifocals I have had for over a year, with no problems, the pair I have just ordered should be here shortley were £85 del, they have a special till the end of this month, www.spex4less.com.

Give them a go, well worth it.



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My wife and I have had the experience of getting your eyes tested in a shop (in France) and its not very good. They take your existing glass's, measure them then make small adjustments if required. They don't do any of the tests that a UK optician carries out. They didn't even spot my wife's cataract but then they don't look for them, its not their job.

I wouldn't trust an optician in France to test my eyes, you need to see an opthamologist (I hope I spelt that right). If you don't want to wait just jump the queue. Phone them up and tell them an optician told you that you need a Fond D'cell (Funduscopy for glaucoma) test, if they ask who the optician was revert to English and say you don't understand and if pressed you can't remember the name. You should get a test done within days and you can get your eyes tested at the same time (well technically before they administer the drops for the Fond D'cell test). You might have to go at an unsociable time like early morning or evening but who cares you just want a proper eye test. Don't forget you can't drive after the test.

Anyway, the money you get back is pitiful and you really need a good Mutual to top you up. I know Clair found the information about how much the state pays and I have copied it HERE . The absolute maximum you can get pack is 24,54 Euros per lens but you have to be near blind in the first place. Basically if you want eye care you have to pay and it ain't cheap in France.

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If you are travelling back to UK in near future Specsavers do some great deals.  I got 2 different and excellent pairs for £186 for BOTH at Xmas, including one pair with photochromic lenses.  If you want them to be waiting for you when you arrive in UK you can order them onlin eand have the final fitting at the shop on arrival.  However I ordered mine on 24 Dec and they had them back for me by 30th - considering 2 bank holidays and a weekend in the middle I though they were brilliant.

I got the prescription from opthalmo here in France.

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We have found that the eye test we get here in France is far better than we ever had in the UK. Usually takes an hour or more and we have had tests we never had in the UK. Yes the cost is very expensive but for example my husband used to have lens which were like milk bottle bottoms in the uk and was never offered anything different but here they have given him far better lens, so thin and lighter in weight.

Neither of us could buy off the internet as our prescriptions are difficult and the measurements need to be taken for my glasses as they are varifocals.

When I had to choose my varifocals for the first time I was given three prices and chose the cheapest but the optician said he was not happy with my choice and ordered the most expensive ones for me but for the price of the cheapest so I was really happy with that, plus I had a month to try them or I could change to two pairs of glasses and have a refund.

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Hi Laurier.

Yes, have not had a problem, I believe they have to do it, normally when I have bought glasses in the UK they give you a perscription but do ot include the PD measurment, when I asked the local optician for this they charged me £10, when my wife had her check I told her to ask for this, the guy made a comment but did not charge her, I have not used them again.

The other thing they are now doing is to photograph the back of your eyes, they only used to do this for diabetics, that I am, but I believe they are now doing it for everyone, I have seen the pictures on screen, they can blow them up to football size, easier to find problems, as with my wife, they told her she had a growth in one eye, we went to Southampton eye hospital, it turned out to be a hole in the retina, they operated, filled the back of her eye with gas, after a short while this has closed the hole, all done under a local, I told the guy who done it, first he would have to catch me, then tie me down to do that to me,!!!!!.



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Thanks all. I have seen the special offers on at SpecSavers but they don't apply if you want to use at least one set of your own frames, and it was more expensive than the prices quoted on the Internet for varifocals. I've never done it through the Internet before but it does seem that you can send them your own frames to be glazed.


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[quote user="ColinE"]

Hi Laurier.

... they operated, filled the back of her eye with gas, after a short while this has closed the hole, all done under a local, I told the guy who done it, first he would have to catch me, then tie me down to do that to me,!!!!!.



If it were the only way to save the eye (and retinal problems can lead to loss of sight) I think you would be brave enough!

My sister had to have something similar done when her macular went - without it she would now be blind.

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