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E106 expire / tax return


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Our E106s ran out in January - we sent the Pensions Dept letter off and have received back a sheaf of paperwork to complete.

Ah .. .a sticky point....... they want the 2007 tax return and well ..... um ..... we didn't do one.   We had absolutely no income, neither here nor in the UK, and we ignorant to the fact that we should have declared this anyway. 

So, are we scuppered?  Or is it possible to make a late declaration of tax (or lack of it).

Fingers and toes crossed!


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[quote user="newbiee"]
I find minding my own business works a treat !  [;-)]

Vanman - you're quite right  [:)]  we (quite obviously) live off our savings.


Which you have stuffed under the mattress in and old sock [:)].

You will be asked by CPAM to declare your income, and if you say nothing then you will be

1) Subjected to an examination of your lifestyle to establish just how much income you do have


2) You may be refused entry to CMU as one must have sufficient income not to be a burden on the state

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But you're asking people here to comment on your business and without knowing more, how can people help you?

You may not have income, but you do have assets and those should have been declared.  As mentioned previously, a visit to the local tax office is the only way to go but you're likely to be subjected to some serious questions.

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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

But you're asking people here to comment on your business and without knowing more, how can people help you?


not at all.  I asked a specific question.  And specifically said I had no income.  Can't get much more clear than that.

Thanks for the advice folks.  Up to the tax office it is then.  Happily (or not really!!) I'm not one of those who live a lavish lifestyle while claiming to have no income.  Though I don't know how one can prove one lives a modest lifestyle.

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If you are living on savings then unless they are under the matress or in a non-interest-generating current account, then anyinterest is considered to be income taxable in France and "unearned" at that and thus subject to social charges also.

However, as said above, just go to your impots centre and put your hands up.  You'll probably cop for a bit ot tax and maybe even some fines if you get them on a bad day, but the latter is pretty unlikely if you are open and honest.  Whatever, it is better than the alternative which is no health cover.

If you cannot prove a minimum level of income or capital to live on then you may not get into CMU anyway but as you say, only you know the reality of your situation.

Edit: Sorry S/D, a bit of simultaneous posting there!

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

I think people were puzzled at your original comment that you had absolutely no income and were a bit concerned that you'd made a silly error in imagining that the interest from your savings was not income.....

Still, as you say, it's your business.....[8-)]



I suspect that it will very quickly become the taxman and CPAM,s business if they declare they have NO income.

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