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first aid supplies


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No wonder the french health service is bankrupt.

I went to the pharmacy today to replace a small roll of gauze dressing, must have been brought over from the UK. I took a little piece in with me to show, and they were very puzzled, never seen such a thing. Eventually decided it was "compress" and I bought this large box with precut , individually packaged pieces which must have cost a fortune to prepare.

Actually, it wasn't all that expensive, about 2,50€ for 5m .

There's the same problem if you try to buy aspirin - too much packaging.

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I know what you mean. To clean & dress a cut finger for ten days we were given 80€ worth of sticking plaster, gauze, compress, sterile solution, ointment....  Almost all of the bits were individually wrapped. I guess that, at least, the remainder are sterile until opened.

Isn't the tricky packaging on pills deliberate; to dissuade would be overdosers, (one loses the will to unpack the pills before too much damage is done), or is that only paracetamol?

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A few weeks ago, went skiing only to realise I had a blister on my heel from a new pair of shoes.  Went to a pharmacist for some sticking plasters.  Nice lady advised I use something called 'second skin'.  Well it came in a nice heavy duty plastic box but I nearly collapsed when she wanted €7.90 ,  for band aid!!!  Well, I thought, at least there's plenty of these second skins in there, but no.  In this big box, there were just 5 of them.  I have to admit they did work very well indeed so my skiing holiday wasn't ruined but I did grumble quite a lot.
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