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Aide pour Complementaire Sante


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I appreciate the publicity given through the forum to the DLA petition and felt that it was only right to return the support [:D]

I know that a lot of people are put off by French form-filling, but in this case it is really quite easy. I'm not a fluent French speaker/reader so used Google translator to work through the form. A half a day's work on it resulted in CPAM sending vouchers that will save half the cost of our insurance this year - plus a letter that we present on visits to our doctor that saves us the €22 standard payment!

Another (non-health) option for low income support is the ASPA system, but it seems more complicated as you have to go through your maire (and they don't always have the information to hand or know anything about it).


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[quote user="PaysansG"]Another (non-health) option for low income support is the ASPA system, but it seems more complicated as you have to go through your maire (and they don't always have the information to hand or know anything about it).


Most French people who can benefit from ASPA claim via their CRAM (= regional CPAM)

EU citizens, most of whom do not receive a French pension (retraite), need to claim SASPA via their mairie.

Worth noting: this benefit may be claimed back from your estate: http://www.saspa.fr/aspa/default.asp?chap=6&ref=2

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We were told about this by a friend and have applied. We were told it would take a couple of months as there was a huge backlog so we are waiting to hear, but the very nice lady said there should be not problem. We thought we had to cancel our top up policy but Groupama said no, we continue and when we receive confirmation from CPAM to take the letter to them and they then stop our top up payments immediately. It was all very easy to sort out, just fingers crossed we get a yes.
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[quote user="BJSLIV"]Does one need the full five years residence to qualify? [/quote]

You need to have been living in France for three months.

Page 2 of the document, under the title 'Qui y a droite?'

Vous habitez en France depuis plus de 3 mois.

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Thanks for the clarification, Clair.

I must admit it was reading about the possibility of a claim on your estate that was a bit off-putting for us (as well as by going by our maire would probably ensure that the whole village would know our business in about 5 minutes flat!).

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You need to have been living in France for three months.

Page 2 of the document, under the title 'Qui y a droite?'
Vous habitez en France depuis plus de 3 mois.

My thinking was that if you have not been in France for five years you need to have a minimum level of income to be a legal resident. If you are below that level you can be declared ineligible for some  benefits.

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The ameli website sets out the conditions under which you may or may not benefit from aide pour une complémentaire santé:

Si vous avez de faibles ressources (par exemple, entre 620,58 et 744,67 euros pour une personne seule), vous pouvez bénéficier d'une aide au financement de votre couverture maladie complémentaire.

Les conditions pour en bénéficier

  • Si vous êtes ressortissant de l'Espace économique européen (E.E.E.) ou de la Suisse et que vous êtes « inactif », vous devez être couvert par une assurance maladie et disposer de ressources suffisantes (équivalentes au montant du revenu minimum d'insertion ou de l'allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées ASPA). Vous ne pouvez donc pas bénéficier de l'aide pour une complémentaire santé.

    However, RMI for a single person without children is 5,455€ whereas the qualifying ceiling for ACS is 8,936€.  Which suggests that you can be in receipt of at least the 'minimum resources' and still qualify for aide complémentaire.....

    Confusing or what?

  • Also, beware if you've only recently fallen on hard times.  The Aide is awarded on the basis of your resources during the twelve calendar months prior to your application - when you were probably rolling in it.....[:(]



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    I think I understand your concern now.  Sorry, I have no answer, just another question.

    If income is not more than 20% over*, this grant is applicable. If income is less, you might be shooting yourself in the foot.

    * the base for CMU. Is that the same as RMI?

    Edit: post crossed with SD.

    What is ACS?

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