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E106 - now unemployed?


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We have been in living in France for over three years. My wife was working in England for one or two weeks a month and is on an extended E106 for our medical cover which expires September 2009.

In November she was made reduntant by her company in the UK and is now looking for a new job in England.

However, since November I have been doing work in France and making the usual payments into the French system.

Can I assume that this will now cover us both in France should she not get another job in England for a while?

Any thoughts anybody?



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You need to work the equivalent of at least 60 hours at SMIC within one month or 120 hours at SMIC within 3 months.  Take all your payslips into the CPAM they will work it out for you, and at the same time you can request that your wife is covered as "ayant droit" (hope I spelled that right)



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