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E106 runs out in Jan


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Hi all,

A quick update on our visit to the CPAM office this afternoon.

We took the CPAM form duly filled in and signed and our tax return and marriage certificate, passports and our carte vital cards. Oops, then we were asked for our P60s for 2007/8 - we nipped home fortunately only 4 kilomentres dug out the P60's and returned. We were then asked for our P60's for 2006/7 - we nipped home again and it took slightly longer to dig those out and we returned. We had some difficulty trying to make him understand that my wife was unemployed from Jan 5 07 but had received some job seekers allowance until 28 feb 07 because she was unemployed. More difficulty came when showing my wife's P60 from Canada Life as she took a very very small pension from March 07. I think he may just have given up on us in the end and took everything off to photocopy. On leaving my wife gave him a werther's original sweet - hells bells we'll probably be had up for bribery and corruption however he did laugh so hopefully all will go well (in my dreams) !! Nigs
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, a quick update as I'm sure it will happen to someone else! We received a letter from CPAM asking us to return urgently as they required more information. Slightly alarmed we returned with all our documents and thinking that the werthers had left a nasty taste. However, it appears the forms attached to my wife's letter (see previous posts) should have been attached to my letter. This made a difference in that the form should have been filled in in my name, wife's details following not the opposite way round which we had done. He gave us a new form which he allowed us to fill out in his office. He was very polite, we laughed and my wife found another werther in her pocket which she offered to him. Now should we get another call I will presume it's the werthers he's after! Nigs

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just an update on our "Can-we-join-the-CMU-as-our-E106-has-expired-and-we-fulfill-all-of-today's-criteria-so-far-as-we-are-aware-and-have-armfuls-of-money-to-give-you-pretty please" saga (Tulle CPAM).

After endless to-ing and fro-ing, and correspondence, sending off this form, that form, etc., they've finally let me in!

However, they've sent my wife a letter telling her that she's no longer covered as her E106 has expired, and to write to Newcastle to get a letter from them to say she's refused further cover, then forward the letter along with another completed form to confirm her employment status in France (when they already know she's retired) to Tulle CPAM Office.

For crying out loud, we've already done that - for both of us, back in December - and sent everything to Tulle by recorded delivery, and had a signed acknowledgement for the package.  So what can they conceivably have done with my wife's application?

I've said it before, but I'm convinced there's a conspiracy to p*ss off the Brits at all costs, and a competition amongst CPAM staff with a prize for the member that can do it most effectively.

When (if) we eventually do get it sorted, We're both gonna make a point of visiting the doctor every day to get our own back !!


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