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What Could've Bitten Me?!


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OK, I have about eight very itchy, sore red rashes on my chest. Each is approximately 7cm across, slightly raised and near the centre of most of them are a cluster of very small brown dots, either two or three or as many as six. I went to the pharmacist a couple of days ago as I've had the problem now for a week. The pharmacist examined the rashes and said that they were bites, possibly caused by a spider. She gave me a 0.5% hydrocortisone cream and a skin wash. I've been applying it for the last 48 hours and, as yet, there's not really been any improvement.

What I'd really like to know is what the hell bit me?! I've never had a reaction to bites before i.e. in the UK (although as far as I know I've only been bitten by fleas and mosquitoes). Just prior to the bites/rashes appearing I was working outside on an old outbuilding and noticed dozens of tiny spiders floating about on gossamers. I think one of these things got inside my T-shirt and snacked on my flesh. They were the size of money spiders (i.e. about 2-3mm across) but had red bodies and black legs. Anyone have similar experiences of spider bites? I'm in the Poitou-Charente area. I remember talking to my neighbour last year and he mentioned spiders that bite (although at the time I assumed he was talking about large spiders). I also saw a red ant on the wall of the outbuilding when working on it today.

Any opinions welcome

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I did think of bed bugs and have checked thoroughly, but found nothing, so I'm not sure they are responsible. Also, I've been here for nearly a year and this is the first time I've had a problem with being bitten by anything. If I ever find out what it was then it had better watch out as I'll be on the warpath [:@]

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Richard, long time since I saw them but have you had chicken pox?[/quote]

Yes, I have. I thought maybe it was Shingles though as my dad had it last year (I'm 37, so not sure if that's too young for Shingles, usually) but the woman at the Pharmacy reckoned it was insect bites and regarded the tiny brown dots as the punctum or entry wound. I'll keep on with the hydrocortisone cream for now and see how it goes. [:'(]

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[quote user="DerekJ"]Ron. I was thinking along the same lines..... Shingles? I've just got over it and it never looked too dissimilar. However, it was also very painful, sharp, tingling pain.


That's odd as I just made a post about the possibility of Shingles. I do get a sharp, burning-type pain over the area sometimes that is like a hot needle going into the surface of the skin. I've had it for a week now too, and I would've expected an insect bite to have dispersed by now... UGH. I guess I might have to see a doctor at this rate. Derek, were you prescribed anything for your Shingles episode? Or did you just wait it out?

Edit: I feel fine otherwise

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Rich I hate to say it, but it sounds awfully familiar.  Have a look here for details.

I was prescribed Zovirax capsules.  These are an antiviral drug but I understand nthat they work best if used within the first 72 hours... mine were. The pain element gradually increased in severity as the days went by.

Later on I was prescribed amitryptiline to help with the pain. If you think this may be the problem I think a trip to the doctors would be appropriate.  Mine lasted around 6 weeks. The spots/rash wasn't really too bad but the pains meant I had trouble sleeping.... I took an ice pack alongside the bed to provide short term relief.

Good luck.

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    Looks like insect bites to me ...I have had similar years ago after after lying face down on a padded Spannish sun lounger.but no- where near that many......I have no idea what the thing is but looks like you found a nest of them...the spiders look like a good bet !

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Rich, I had shingles and I'm afraid it did look just like that - please go to the Doctor asap, the drug you need works best the quicker it is given.....my doctor made a comment about its price, I think I cost the NHS about £100 for that treatment......

Please don't treat it lightly, it can be very painful indeed.

Mine kind of felt as if was burning inside, esp when touched

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I was told by my GP that shingles wasn't contageous to a person who had already had chicken pox. But someone with shingles could cause someone who hadn't had chicken pox already to contract chicken pox.... not shingles.  As far as I understand it, the shingles virus lays dormant in all people who have had chicken pox and it's then the luck of the draw on whether it becomes active.

Anyway, better to get it checked out but hope we are wrong with the shingles diagnosis and that it's just a few bites.  All the best.

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Do get it checked out by a doctor, but I don't think it's shingles, judging by the picture. And no, not too young...I had shingles when I was 20, on my face, and it was really painful (shooting pains in my ears and back of my teeth - I thought it was my wisdom teeth). There were small clusters of little, clear blisters, and the skin was redder afterwards (and still is) where there were. If you get any reaction on your face get treatment asap as it can cause blindness if it spreads to your eyes.

My money's on those nasty little spiders.

Don't scratch! Good luck,


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  • 2 weeks later...
The shingles has gone [:D] I took the anti-viral meds for a week and I've been without nerve pain for a few days now, and the little blisters have nearly healed up. With hindsight I think I was exceptionally lucky in having a relatively mild attack. Thanks again for the advice on going back to the pharmacy and then to the doctor. [:)]

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