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Post natal care in France


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As a male, I found the following (almost) unbelievable.

I was listening to Woman's Hour this morning when there was an item on post-natal care in France. An Anglo-Saxon woman (whose name I did not catch - but she sounded American) stated that a day or so after giving birth the hospital gave her details of an electrical device to re-educate her vaginal musculature so that she could quickly be of value again to her husband. She also said that hospital staff seemed more concerned that she should regain her figure than breast feed her baby.

Can women who have given birth in France confirm this?

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So the Grauniad got there first.

[quote user="Clair"]http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/mar/26/france-postnatal-care-sexual-health

I would suggest that suggest the "sexy" angle might be more exiting than the medical reason, which is to strengthen the perineum after giving birth.

The details of this device were as sketchy in the broadcast as they are in the article. I assume it is some kind of TENS machine. The writer clearly states that its purpose is to secure the early attentions of the husband - so she can have more babies!

Anyway - my question was whether her experience accorded with those of members of this forum.

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Reeducation for the pelvic area after child birth is a good thing !!

The muscles in that area are damaged by child birth , and reeducation is done to  prevent incontinence problems that women may have in the future.

The sexual benefit was never mentioned in my case in the " cours de préparation à la naissance " , they only told us about the problems that may happen in the future if those muscles were not stimulated.

It is totally free, social security pays for the physio sessions.

I can't believe you don't have them in the UK / US !?  

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This physio does happen in the UK.

After I had our youngest who was very poorly and put in special care unit . they had a special side ward there that mums were put into to be near baby......only if mum was not poorly too. This was usually for mums of multiple births. The Physio lady came round every day to see various mums and screened off the beds. I was talking to a young mum(she was only 15....) who was not very confident with her baby and she was the one who told me about the massage she had to have as her baby was over 10 lbs!

By the way my midwife also explained in detail how to do pre-birth massage from about 6 months into the pregnancy, it helps the muscles prepare for birth.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Reeducation for the pelvic area after child birth is a good thing !!

The muscles in that area are damaged by child birth , and reeducation is done to  prevent incontinence problems that women may have in the future.

The sexual benefit was never mentioned in my case in the " cours de préparation à la naissance " , they only told us about the problems that may happen in the future if those muscles were not stimulated.

It is totally free, social security pays for the physio sessions.

I can't believe you don't have them in the UK / US !?  


It was exactly the same in the UK for me when I gave birth, you were told to get on with your excercises ASAP.  No electrical device was employed in the hospital although there are plenty on the market [;-)] and if ithey work why not, and the benefits are for both parties in a sexual relationship not just the man obviously.

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