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Mutuelle Again....!


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A friend of mine, who moved to France in October 2008, registered with CPAM immediately but did not get round to sorting out the Mutuelle.  She has now been found to have a knee problem, has been sent for Xrays.  Is she going to have a problem because it may be or is deemed to have been pre diagnosed, should she require an op.

Any help would be appreciated.


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What has this got to do with a Mutuelle?

She will get her 70% or so paid by the Sécu.

If she hasn't got a Mutuelle she will have to pay the rest.

But it has nothing to do with whether it was a pre-existing problem

It is to do with not bothering to take a Mutuelle (as is often recommended by some people here)

A Mutuelle is forbidden to discriminate, but obviously if you haven't got one you have no cover...

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No Norman, I just wanted to know if Mutuelle companies asked about pre-existing conditions.  We took ours out as soon as we moved here, two and a half years ago, and I can't remember whether they asked questions.


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As I understood it, when we were looking around for a mutuelle, the companies are only able to ask you your age but not about any medical conditions that you might have.

Your age does influence the amount of premium you pay, however.

That was 2 years ago but the situation may have changed a bit now.  I don't know for sure, but our agent was sort of hinting last year that the mutuelles were getting a bit discriminatory.  For example, she said that if we didn't go for a higher level of cover (eg 120% instead of basic 100%), we might find ourselves unable to request a higher level at a later date.

But (and it's a biggish but), that might just be agent talk.

I have heard someone claim that he couldn't get one because he was over 70 years old.  I know for a fact that that isn't correct because my OH is 77 soon to be 78 and we didn't have any problems getting a mutuelle and no one was even interested in asking whether we had any pre-existing conditions.

Hope this explains it a little. 

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Obviously, it would be sensible for your friends to check this out for sure before signing anything, but it is my belief that companies who provide complementaire insurance (not always Mutuelles, btw) cannot discriminate against pre-existing conditions.  But it should be a simple question to ask any company which they are considering.

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[quote user="sueyh"]

Any help would be appreciated.[/quote]

Couverture complémentaire can be a minefield. It can be most confusing to the uninitiated and takes time to get used to - or it certainly did with us.

We, ie my OH and I, initially ignored our local AGF agent's advice and took out more cover than we needed - that is to say we insisted on having 200% when 100% would have sufficed at the time. But we learnt and are now on 150% (with Groupama) as - for a v keen premium - we have excellent spectacle cover which, as we both have fairly complex varifocal lens prescriptions, is a blessing.


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[quote user="NormanH"]As I said

"A Mutuelle is forbidden to discriminate"

[/quote]Sorry, Norman - I realise now that you had already said this before I did!  Somewhere there's a bit of French insurance law that I've seen which covers this.  It's my belief that even non-French companies must comply if they're offering top-up for French residents - is that your information too, Norman?

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