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Applying for a E106 after allready moved to france


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I am in a bit of a pickle me and my children mover to France in September ,I thought I could see how it went ,I thought our travel card would be enough ,but it is not ,how helpfull would Newcastle be if I phoned and asked for a E106 now..?


Or is there another option...?I stopped paying uk contributions in September [I suppose that is a bad move]..



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Newc will be fine about it and if you paid sufficient NI between April and Sept  2008 then you may be one of the lucky ones who get a 1 yr extension after your first one which will run out Jan 2010.
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I'm not sure of all the ins and out's, but my OH works in the UK, so Newcastle said I need and an E109  not E106, which I applied for after I moved here in August.  You get medical cover as long OH works in the Uk and you pressent this to your local CPAM office with Birth Certificate for all of you, Passport, letter from the school proving the children attend, if the kids go to school, RIB - I think that is everything,  but I know that it is renewable yearly with Newcastle, and I think only for 2 years total.  There are lots of questions asked abot this, so if you do a search, I am sure you will find other answers on the forum.



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As other posters indicate, afaik, there is no earthly reason why you shouldn't get an E106 if you still have some residual entitlement.  It begins when you gave up work though, not when you moved so I would get on with this as soon as you can if I were you.  If you explain your circumstances to Newcastle then they will let you know which form you need (ie if, as suggested above, you have a partner working in the UK it would be an E109 for instance).

Beware because, as I am sure you know, once it runs out your rights to healthcare here will stop unless you get a job, then you'll need private insurance for the whole family - by law.  If you're employed here or run a business,  you cannot get an e-form but must pay into the French system via your work scheme.

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[quote user="jackie-p"]


Have I any other options?

[/quote]The short answer is no, I don't believe that you have.  Apart from finding a job or buying private insurance for the family, which is pretty pricey.  Sorry to be a bit of a doom and gloom merchant but things are really tough for newcomers now. 

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[quote user="puzzled"]

I am sorry to bring this up again and I'm not prying but if you haven't paid enough contributions in your own right, IF you are a lone parent and IF the children's father is in the UK, maybe you can at least get cover for them via his contributions. It could save you some money.



Even if we are divorced?

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I don't know what the situation is for you but I'd be inclined to follow up Puzzled's idea.  If you can swing it that your children are his dependents still, you may well get E109s for them, even if not for yourself.  It might keep some of the costs down.  It's not worth not asking Newcastle, if you get my double negative meaning!

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