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Use of private car for transport to hospital and claim forms


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My wife has to make about 35 trips to and from hospital over the next few months for treatment. At her first visit we were given a CERFA form Prescription médicale de transport by the doctor which allows us to claim for the cost of my driving her there and back home, 56 kms round trip. I assume we get this form at every visit. With it is another form for me to fill in CERFA Etat de Frais Transports Pour Motif Medical where you fill in the details of the trip, kilométerage, vehicle horse power CV and a number of other things which seem to relate to taxis and motorway charges. Apart from signing it there is a box for indicating the amount claimed which I assume one leaves blank?


I took the forms to the hospital advice desk to seek guidance and was issued with yet another form called a Bulletin De Situation which seems just to be confirmation that she was there that day. The only advice was fill it in and send to the CPAM. Am I right in thinking that we send all of these forms, two copies of each one for us and one for them I assume, to the CPAM after each visit. That is Prescription, Etat De Frais and Bulletin. The Prescription is not clear as to wether it is for one visit or multiple visits, do we ask the doctor for a new one at each visit? Likewise the claim form has multiple lines for different trips but it is not clear if you are supposed to submit it after each visit or otherwise.


I believe that some of you have been this route before so any guidance in filling in and dealing with these forms would be most welcome..............................................................JR
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I haven't used my own tranport, but I have been in a similar situation (40 visits, then follow ups every 6 months) with transport provided by taxi/ambulance

They treated the sessions together, with the clinic signing a card as evidence of my attendance,  but every time I go for the follow ups I have to ask for a fresh 'bon de transport.

Sorry that I cant help any more about the actual form

Is it this one ?

Best wishes for your wife's recovery.

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Thanks NormanH. This is the CERFA Etat de Frais form they have given me: https://www.cnmss.fr/IMG/pdf/cerfa11162-02.pdf  and the Cerfa Prescription médicale de transport is the same as the one shown in the Notes kindly provided by Gosub.

Sorry when you say "They treated the sessions together, with the clinic signing a card as evidence of my attendance" Do you mean you waited until the end of the 40 visits before submitting a claim or that you made a claim after each visit and did you need a fresh Prescription médicale de transport at each visit? Sorry to be thick but want to get it right. From experience if anything can go wrong with the paperwork it will and no mistake!

Just to complicate matters further I have to register my newly aquired E121 with the CPAM and judging from what happened when my wife registered hers a couple of  years ago all sorts of c***ups will happen with claims both with the CPAM and the top-up insurance company. I am tempted to sit on it for 6 months until the wife has finished this course of treatment but then that will probably put me on someones hit list!........................................JR 

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The clinic said to submit it at the end of the 40 visits.

I didn't need 40 'prescriptions' it was treated as a course of treatment for which one was sufficient

In fact the firm who supplied the transport asked the clinic to give them a statement every 10 trips as the amounts were considerable, but that was an arrangement between the two parties.

However I suggest you wait for other people to contribute.

I would hate to mislead you.

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Ok NormanH and thanks. I had better make further enquiries at the hospital as the Bulletin was for only one specific visit. However I suggest you wait for other people to contribute. Well that would be helpful. I remember there was someone in a similar situation in 2007 I think, maybe they could come back on this..............................................JR
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We put in our sixth claim yesterday so this is very current information. Mrs Benjamin went to see a specialist in December and has had regular monthly treatment since then.

The Prescription médicale de transport is initially completed and given to you by the person referring you for treatment (normally your médecin traitent). Ensure that the section Quel trajet doit effectuer le patient is completed with the precise address where the treatment is to take place.(more on this later) This form is generally known as a bon de transport.

The État de Frais is a summary sheet showing precisely where you started from, where you went to, the kilometrage covered and the CV rating of your car. As an example if you go into hospital for a couple of days record each journey (there and back) and then the journey to collect your wife on the same summary sheet and submit both claims together. Mrs Benjamin's trteatment is now monthly so we submit one claim per month. CPAM use Via Michelin to verify your claim, plus any tolls you have entered, thus make sure you use exact addresses.

After the first visit/treatment and if you are called back the office calling you back (normally the hospital) will give you the bon de transport at the time of treatment.

The reason for being precise with the address is because in our case the hospital we visit is part of CHU Nantes. If CPAM see that they think we have visited the main hospital on the south side of Nantes whereas we visit a hospital on the North West side which is still part of CHU Nantes. We live to the South so this reduces, incorrectly, the kilometrage they will pay us.

When completed submit both papers together to CPAM and sit back and wait for your refund.

Best of luck.


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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]I've been using this system for the past 3.5 years, never had a problem with it at all, all you need to do is to make sure that the people at the hospital sign and stamp the soin de transporte and send in the calculation form.[/quote]

To give credit where credit is due it was Tony who helped us to understand and benefit from this reimbursement in the first place.   [:D]

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Benjamin thanks for a very helpful reply. The situation here is that my wife will have to go to the hospital at Niort every three weeks 6 times for chemotherapy. From what you say it looks as if I should submit a Bulletin, Prescription médicale de transport and État de Frais after each visit. The doctor at the hospital scribbled domicile - CH Niort oncologie under Quel trajet doit effectuer le patient  so I hope that is good enough for the CPAM. I note that he left the section Elements d'ordre médical blank so I hope that does not matter. I suppose the name of the department in the hospital makes the treatment type obvious. Did you send in both copies of each form 'cause if so I better photocopy them first!

When she finishes chemo she will have to go to the hospital for radiotherapy every day except le weekend for 6 weeks so that is going to generate a mountain of paperwork if I have to get these forms each time. Oh well time will tell!

She will have monitoring trips to the hospital for the next 5 years plus and I must then remember to ask for the Bulletin, Prescription médicale de transport and État de Frais each time. I did not know about this claim procedure for her visit for a heart scan and another one for a bone scan before she started chemo and the doc in question did not mention claiming for my providing transport at the time so I may have lost out on those but it won't break the bank I guess. I suppose I should have been told about it when she went to hospital for the two surgical procedures that kicked all of this off! Still I was just glad to have her back in more or less one piece so no matter. Thinking about it transporting her by private car must save the French State a deal of money so I don't feel too bad about claiming now! Come to think of it it was our GP that set the wheels in motion for the 5 year prise en charge 100% from the CPAM so I guess I should have sorted it all out then but was unaware that such a claim was possible at the time. We did however understand at the time that she could have had a hospital car but declined as she was concerned about the secondary effects of her treatment which can be quite unpleasant!

I hope I have interpreted your useful information correctly, thanks again..........................................JR 

PS Thanks Tony which is the soin de transporte, is it the Prescription médicale de transport ?


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so sorry to hear some of you are going through a very tough time. My thoughts are with you. Bonne chance.

I am not sure if this will make you feel better - but here in Switzerland there would be no ambulance transport or reimbursement at all, for what would be seen as 'routine' treatment. My neighbour is 80 years old and had to travel every day for weeks to the hospital 30km away on small country roads- his wife doesn't drive - so afger chemo, he would drive back. Bless him - he is doing very well now and full of beans and good spirits (hmm and partial to a good single Malt, hence regular visits here).

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Thanks for your good wishes and it is just as well we are not in Switzerland then!.................JR

PS We are very happy with the treatment here. They seem to be throwing everything at the problem and I wonder would they do this in the UK.  

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