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100% ALD: adding second or subsequent conditions.


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The procedure for being reimbursed at 100% for ALDs, the list of what they are, and the fact that the payment is only 100% of the 'tarif ' accepeted by the CPAM, so that you might need a Mutuelle to cover the 'dépassement d'horaires' practised by some Doctors have all been clearly explained in various posts.

Just one more point to be clear.

If you already have one ALD (say diabetes) covered at 100%, and then you are diagnosed by a specialist with another, (say cancer) you have to go back with that diagnosis to your "généraliste" and ask for a new 'demande de prise en charge' so that the new one is added to the list.

It will be added, but it isn't automatically done just because you have been diagnosed, and it is the GP who asks the CPAM , not the specialist

This is something it is easy to forget in the shock learning that you have an ALD.

With budgetary restraint there is increasing control, which is likely to become tighter in 2010 after the budget report of the Sécurité Sociale.

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