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Salutory lesson perhaps?

Tony F Dordogne

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Two chums of ours, Brits, living the next commune have been in France full time for about 10 years.  The husband doesn't speak French other than basic salutations, because his wife speaks it well.

Last week his wife was stung in the face by a wasp and almost immediately went into anaphalactic shock.  Now luckily hubby was at home but wife was totally incapacitated and obviously seriously ill.  Husband was, to put it mildly, bolloxed.  he doesn't have enough French to phone anybody and doesn't have the emergency numbers even if he could speak to them, they had no idea about the English speaking emergency line.

He had to jump in the car and dash off to a neighbour - who was thankfully at home - and they phoned the Pompier who told wife and husband (repeated by medics at the hospital to which she was taken) that any further delay could have been fatal.

Lesson to be learned there somewhere I think, especially in case of a medical emergency.  We have ALL the emergency numbers and thankfully we both speak enough French to be understood but how close was their call?

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Our GP tells a similar chilling story, about a chap who died from a heart attack because his wife couldn't tell the pomps were the house was. They were nearby, driving round and round but eventually arrived too late.

All of the houses we look after have the emergency services N°s in a prominent position, plus in simple French directions to the house which can be read out by a non-French speaker over the phone.

It really does pay to think of such things, even if one does speak French, so that in a panic one can give a coherent message.
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