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Carte Vitale Can dependants get one free if someone is over 60?


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My Mum has recently turned 60 so she gets a free Carte Vitale for life. Can my Dad (who's Carte Vitale runs out next year and is 55) get a free card as a dependant from my mum?

Also I am 24 (25 in October) and my card runs out soon, can I be a dependant on my mothers card as I have an illness which requires expensive drugs I could not afford if and when my card runs out?

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Normally a sub retirement age person can piggy back onto the CV of a retired spouse, so your dad should be able to do so although if he is currently under his own E106 it might not be to his financial advantage to change immediately.

Being 24/25 I'm not sure what your situation is, I don't know if there is an age limit for dependents. I think we need more information:

You say your CV is running but how did you get it. Was it via an E106 or via your mother as her dependant ?

If by E106 when did you join the system, was it before or after the cutoff date of Nov 23rd 2007 ?

This is speculative but if it was by E106 and after Nov 23rd then I think you might have a problem convincing CPAM that you are in fact now dependent on your mother. If you had been her dependent prior to her reaching 60 that would probably be a different matter and I would guess that you should be able to continue as such.

Bonne chance

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I got my Carte Vitale on my E106 in January this year.

If the CPAM refuse me a card after it expires, what can I do about my expensive medicine which usually costs me 20E but without the card is over 100E?

Do we have to write to Newscastle or the carte vitale people after the expiry date or do they automatically renew it?

I am in an akward stituation where my parents moved out here in 2004 while I was a student. I graduated from university in 2007 and managed to have a 7 month contract in London and spent the rest of 2008 looking for a job but could not find one with my lack of experience so I've been forced to move out here and live with my parents.

My French is not great (basic GCSE level) so I'm finding it hard to get a job here. I'm learning WPF in the hope to find a job back in the UK once the jobs market improves but if my CV suddenly stopped, I would be in debt paying for my medication.

Any suggestions?

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I'm surprised you got an E106 if you had been a student and had only worked for 7 months !

However you got your CV once it expires the only option that I can see will be for you to pay. Normally you would be expected to take out private insurance but that may not be possible for you, not only because it sounds like you probably cannot afford it but insurance company may refuse to take you on with pre-existing conditions.

You should be aware also that if you are not able to support yourself and do not have adequate health cover then technically you will not be legally resident in France.

You seem to be between a rock and a hard place unfortunately.

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I've worked for a year and 7 months as my course included a sandwich placement. Ironically if the recession had not hit, I would not be here and would be earning money and get my medication free as its one of those on the exemption list in the UK.

I just hope the jobs market improves before my card runs out.

Without a job here I can just about get by living with my parents and paying for my medication, but if I have to pay the full amount, then I'm in trouble.

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Thanks for the explanation although I'm still perplexed as to how you got an E106 because normally you have to complete 2 full tax years of class 1 National Insurance contributions to qualify, maybe there is some credit for students but that's beyond my experience I'm afraid.

Other than your parents I don't see who is going to help you with the cost of your medicine I'm afraid [:(]

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