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MDPH Letter


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Just received an incomprehensible letter from the MDPH (Maison des Personnes Handicapes) Vosges (I asked a French friend to read it and she didn't understand it either!).  Ages ago, with the help of the assistant social of the Hopital de Jour, applied for various benefits  for our autistic 5 year old from the MDPH and CAF, and for the other 2 "normal" brats.  Have got a reply (apolgies for lack of accents, still using qwerty!):

will miss out the preamble but it reads:

une demande d'allocation d'education de l'enfant handicape (1ere demande) a ete addressee a la Commission en date du xxxxxx pour xxxxx

Lors de la reunion du xxxxx, la commission a pris la decision suivante:

Attribution del'AEEH pour taux >ou+50% et>80% et Attribution du complement:  AEEH + complement 3 du xx(date) au xx(date) versement:  Mensuel pour l'aide d'une tierce personne a hauteur de 50% d'equivalent temps plein.

Taux incapacite:  au moins+ 50% et <80% du  "date" au "date".


Not having been given any base figures, can't do the maths, and not entirely sure what they are on about anyway.  Am I about to (finally) get some money?  Still waiting for the CAF by the way.  My head hurts!


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Following your application for allocation d'education de l'enfant handicapé, the commission have reached the following decision.

Your child's disability has been classified as being within the range 50%-80%

You have been awarded AEEH plus a supplement:

AEEH plus supplement (category 3) payable from (date) to (date). Paid monthly to cover the cost of employing someone to look after the child at 50% of full time equivalent.


(AEEH is 124,54€ per month.  Supplement category 3 is 358,06€ per month)





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