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The End of DLA/AA?


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You could say it is 'only' a green paper at the moment, but with this weasel government in power, and probably a more rabid form to follow next May, I think people on DLA and AA should certainly sit up and take notice of what is being proposed, if as it states in the link there is very little public outcry at the proposals, then I guess it will become law.

With the ongoing campaign being fought with DWP by members of this forum for the reinstatement of DLA, CA and AA, if victory is indeed won it could turn out to be a very shallow victory, if the benefits are taken away at a future date. I think signing the petition to keep the payments of DLA and AA as they are at the moment, would do the ongoing campaign no harm at all.



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Hi folks


Sorry to sort of be positive about this but let's get things into perspective.   I've read all the information and the specific web site (and have signed up to their campaign and their forum)and as somebody has said, it doesn't - yet - apply to DLA.


But think this through.  100 days of discussion then through Parliament next May-ish and that's assuming there's not a general election because that could blow this out the water, with us acting as a dead weight on it AND we've started things in motion now which should make sure that the DWP/ExpoTeam get so much legal activity they're going to HAVE to open the log jam - we know that for a certainty and there's no way they can delay our claims until this goes through Parliament because of all the external supervising and decision making bodies that are now looking at their activities.


And think of the logistics of this anyway, closing the DLA/AA/CA activities and handing them to social services will be a logistical nightmare, that will take, I would suggest, at least 3 years.  In a previous life I saw 'easy' government/socservices handovers and, for sure, this ain't going to be quick, easy or straightforward.  Staff to recruit, offices to open, files to transfer, computer programmes that don't talk to each other, so many administrative hurdles and problems


And we don't know timescales yet, after it's enacted and assuming that the Tories win next time round, who knows what may happen.


Let's just monitor this, be aware of or even get involved in the specific campaign but as a side issue to our current issue which we need to win first BEFORE we get too steamed up about any future changes.


Now, would Labour float an idea they would have no hope of implementing to get votes before the next general election just to attract votes?

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Not only those benefits are threatened.

When the rabid right get back in,  as they look set to do,  they could well negotiate an 'opt out' on E forms (remember the Milk Snatcher) or leave Europe altogether in which case there would be no reciprocal Health cover at all.

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If you sign the campaign, you get an e-mail thanking you for joining it. I along with some friends are contacting everyone we can think of to stop this as it will affect millions of people. according to benefits and work, in the first 24 hours they have had an overwhelming response to the campaign. 5000 plus people have signed up so far. I for one cannot afford to lose my benefits.


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DLA saved for the under 65's

Link: http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/forum?func=view&catid=13&id=12207

Unfortunately the statement still leaves the possibility that AA will be replaced, and existing claimants do not seem to have any transitional protection.

We can only hope that The Tories will also leave DLA alone if/when they are elected next year.


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I have just returned from the UK and from whatever perspective someone somewhere is going to have to pay for the mess that the UK is currently in. If the Conservatives get in we may see an increase in Union activity but one thing is absolutely sure the first five years will be tough.

So nothing will be sacred and the knife will be out.

On the basis that it is generally bad law to go backwards and thus hit those who already have the benefit I wonder how this is all going to be applied. Again how can one benefit from the new regime if one resides in another country?

Moreover what is the relevance of the magical age of 65?
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