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Polyclinique v hopital


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I don't know the specific establishments.

Usually the Hospital has been built and is run by public funds and I believe that the staff are salaried.

The Doctors work in  secteur 1, that is to say within the tariffs of the Sécu

A clinic has been built by private funds to make a profit.

In many cases the Doctors who work there have to pay a fee to the clinic for the facilities

However both types of establishment are accessible with the carte vitale, and you will be reimbursed the the Sécurité Sociale to the extent of their tariff in both, but not more than the agreed tariff.

There isn't the same type of distinction between public and private as in the UK. '(NHS and BUPA) for example

The quality of care is usually good in both.

The main concern about the clinic is to know if The Doctors will practise as secteur 2, that is they can fix their own prices.

In this case your Mutuelle might cover some of the difference, depending on the terms and conditions.

If they do  practise in Secteur 2you can have a bill over and above the normal costs, but you can ask for an estimate.

If you need more detail I can give you examples.

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