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hydrocoritsone ointment


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I got some last week from a pharacist and she said to throw it away after it's been open a month (by which time I will have used about 1:20 of it!).

It doesn't say anything on the carton or patient information about throwing it away - is there anybody out there who knows why it needs to be chucked?  I'm more than tempted to keep it in the fridge.  It's not free after all!

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I've been using hydrocortisone 1% ointment on and off for the last 20 years, and it's the first I've heard of a 1 month bin by date. 

A small tube lasts me at least six months, and still "does what it says on the tin" (and nothing has dropped off, withered away, or turned blue after the tube has been open for more than a month)  [:)]

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This might be a perfect example of why so many medicines are prescribed here in France, and contribute to the health budget deficit.. So much medication ends up unused, and wasted?

It breaks my heart every time I empty out the medicine cabinet and take the unused medication back to the pharmacy, as I know it ends up being destroyed - sadly, no longer passed on to countries which are desperate for them. It seems such a mad and cruel world.[:(]

I am now very careful before actually getting prescribed medication from the chemist. I make sure I only get what is necessary - but they often overestimate it.

Having said that, I have some beta-blockers (used sporadically) which are way past the use-by date. When I tried to use one the other day, I noticed it seemed to have no effect whatsoever.[:'(] Still, I have some newer one, which are only 8 months past the use-by date, I guess I'll try those next.[8-)]

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Hi, as there is no need for Hydrocortisone ointment (or cream) to be sterile, there is no need to bin it after a month.  Just go by the expiry date on the tube and you won't go wrong.  Trust me, I've been prescribing the stuff for the last 20 years, and it remains both safe and potent for a considerable time.  Hope that helps.
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Thanks for that Clair. This prompted me to do a little research on line and I've been able to buy some at 1% strength from the UK (plus TCP ointment which might smell disgusting but is the only thing that stops my insect bites from itching!)
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I only take a beta-blocker occasionally,  when I have a tachycardia episode.  I can tell by whether it slows down my heart rate or not.

I can also see and feel other effects normally (sluggishness, blood pooling in hands and feet, etc.). With the ones I have past their sell-by-date, no effect whatsoever, on anything!

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[quote user="Clair"]Tarncat, you can get hydro-cortisone cream/ointment at 0.5% over the counter. Anything stronger requires a prescription.

Clair, I have been able to get a 1% ointment over the counter.  It is called Locoïd and costs around the 6€ mark.

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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="Clair"]Tarncat, you can get hydro-cortisone cream/ointment at 0.5% over the counter. Anything stronger requires a prescription.[/quote]Clair, I have been able to get a 1% ointment over the counter.  It is called Locoïd and costs around the 6€ mark.[/quote]

The fact your pharmacist sold you this without a prescription is very odd. Maybe he/she was distracted?

It is a list 1 medication. If you look at this page, it confirms that this should be available only with a prescription.

ListeOrdonnanceDurée de la prescriptionQuantité délivrée
Liste I
ordonnance simple non renouvelable

sauf mention contraire « à renouveler X fois »
renouvelée jusqu'à 12 mois
par fraction de 30 jours au maximum

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Not a direct comparison but I take Pariet, and looked this one up on the page you mentioned:

PARIET est délivré seulement sur ordonnance

Between expiration of E106 and CPAM affiliation I obtained this medication from different pharmacists at least 6 times without prescription! I assume, therefore , that the system is a little slack.
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"Odd"?  I should think so, especially as I have bought it on 2 different occasions from 2 different pharmacies!

Must be because they think the sweet way I ask for it irristible?[:-))]

Or they don't really care about me overdosing on the medicament and suffering from the side-effects?[:P]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Must be because they think the sweet way I ask for it irristible?[:-))] Or they don't really care about me overdosing on the medicament and suffering from the side-effects?[:P][/quote]

Perhaps something to do with your accent...  [:D]

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