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Thyroxine prescription


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Thank you for that. Unfortunately my wife needs to take it for the rest of her life and indeed, her life depends on it so surely it must meet the criteria!

There various forms of thyroid problems, some worse than others. I think it would have to be decided on individual health needs.
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Currently have to be prescribed for this every 3 months,by visiting the doctor-cost22 euros.thyroxine 1.80euros.!doctor cannot or will not prescribe longer than 3 months-eet iz ze law! It is not considered to be a life threatenning case for life indemnity. Also insists on more regular blood tests than uk--another 50euros.

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Maude, do you not get any reimbursement ?

My GP prescribes Levothyrox for 4 months and he and I are happy enough with an annual blood test.

You should be able to talk to your GP if your results are stable and you believe quarterly tests are too frequent.

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There is an official list of the things considered as 'ALDs'

It has been translated on this Forum and I am sure you can find the link.

The way things work here is that the particular problem has to be on that list to count, and your GP has to send a request to the CPAM asking for their agreement for you to be accepted. As RH has said that agreement only counts for the specific problem cited.

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Clair,yes we do indeed get the percentage reimursement from the state CPAM,just the pain of visiting the doc every 3 months.Incidentally he did say that 2 months was the longest that could be prescribed originally,but the 3 month was instigated by his partner when he was on hol-hence now 3 months. Maude
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I have the same problem - but here in the UK.  I have been on the same dose for 16 years now but I can still only get 28 days worth of tablets at a time which can cause me real problems if we are going away / to France.  I think the prescribing period very much depends on the attitude of the GP.  The limited prescription period was introduced to stop stockpiling of unnecessary tablets - which doesn't really fit with those on a (stable dose) lifetime drug. Some GP's are sensible about this but others, like my UK GP, are pedants over rules...he even withheld my thyroxine prescription once until I could come into the surgery for an 'over 40's blood pressure test' - despite the fact that it was a) year end and I couldn't get the time off work and b) I have EDS so have consistently low BP!  Fortunately the doctor I see in France is very understanding and will prescribe if I run out. 

(Re the cost - generic thyroxine is one of the cheapest prescription meds out there - costs pence to produce which is why it's so dern frustrating I can only get 28 days worth at a time.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why don't you get them online. It is very easy way, the medications are dropped at your door steps. Thyroxine is generic drug for synthroid. You can get Thyroxine online at International Drug Mart. http://www.internationaldrugmart.com/synthroid.html.

You can also save money on buying online. I have been placing orders online for the past 2 years. I feel it be more convenient too.

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