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Worker's E106


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I live in France but work in the UK. I am a self-employed consultant. I moved over to be with my husband just over a year ago. I have been advised that I should apply for a 'workers E106' and complete a P85. The P85 is for tax rebates which I'm not interested in applying for as I still pay UK tax & NI so not sure that's the right form and I cannot seem to track down how and where to apply for a workers E106. All advice welcomed.
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Thank you all. I have called and yes I need to complete the form. However the form asks when I became resident here and I'm not sure what to put. I have been coming back and forth for a while but I haven't registerd in the UK as non-resident yet or in France as aresident. I have just enlisted an accountant who will help us with our forms in France this year to declare worldwide income however as a genuine mistake we did not add my details to the French return in January. FYI I hardly earned anything last year as it was a new business. I have been advised to just start afresh with the next return in France (it's all above board in the UK). What date shoudl I put on the E106 form last eyar or a more recent date? Obviously I want to do the right thing but don't want to put myself in a difficult situation. Hope you can help.
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[quote user="Cassie"]Thank you all. I will call the centre for non-residents .[/quote]I'm pretty sure that ANO is right and I am wrong.  He knows better than I as he has a workers' E106 himself.  Thus it's the taxman you need, not the pensions department.

Edit : Don't know if I'm going nuts or what - did you edit this out while I was posting, Cassie? 

Edit No. 2.  You became resident on the date you moved permanently.  Did you sell somewhere in the UK/start renting over here on a specific date/move your belongings?  Your instincts probably tell you when you moved and will likely be right!

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Yes. You are not going nuts.

I moved my things here last summer but as I haven't advised anybody I am resident here yet I wondered if you had any advice. Trying to sort it all out now a year later as I had been in the UK such a lot (and still am) and have an address there (I don't own or rent it) but my home is here and my business is there ... phew!
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Residence is a matter of fact and does not hinge on whether or not you told somebody you were moving.

From what you have said I think it's probable that strictly speaking you became French resident the day you arrived with the intention of remaining.

If you own only a property in France you are almost certainly French resident, a UK 'accommodation' address counts for nought.

I think having a home in France but running a business in UK may be a bit beyond the scope of the advice you will find on forums and you'd be better seeking it from an accountant ensuring that he is familiar with the French side of things, unfortunately it seems very few UK ones are and the those who profess to be are frequently woefully wrong. Your best bet will likely be one of the English French based firms who specialise in such matters.

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