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Code Confidential and the Ameli Site


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I need a CEAM card in about 3 weeks (30 Jan) when I'm off for my petit dépaysement.

I know, from a recent thread, that some people have had problems using their codes confidentials to access the site.

I sent off an email last week and, so far, no acknowledgement that they have received it so I am getting a mite jittery.  Meant to see the CPAM lady last Wednesday but, what with the snow and everything, I doubted that she would have been able to travell to our back of beyond area from her home in St Jean d'Angely.

My question is this:

Should I ring CPAM on Monday?

Should I risk waiting till 20th January, when the lady boss will be here again (weather permitting) and I KNOW for a fact that she can sort this matter out, her being super efficient?

Don't really fancy driving to Saintes or is it La Rochelle where my CPAM is?  Yes, I know I should know, but I've never had occasion to know as everything I have had to do in relation to health matters have been dealt with locally.

Answers and suggestions of solutions will be mightily welcome!


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[quote user="sweet 17"] I know, from a recent thread, that some people have had problems using their codes confidentials to access the site.

I sent off an email last week and, so far, no acknowledgement that they have received it so I am getting a mite jittery.[/quote]

No problems the other evening when I accessed Ameli to order OH and I some new CEAM cards. Acknowledgement email arrived pronto and actioning email from our local CPAM arrived the following morning saying new cards would arrive by post asap - can't remember the actual delay mentioned.

Got to be worth a try at least.

If nowt then ring your CPAM on Monday morning, as personally speaking I would not leave it till January 20, as I believe that would be cutting it a bit fine timewise.

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Despite what is claimed by the CPAM there are sometimes delays in actually getting the cards to people.

Don't forget that if all else fails they will issue you with a paper 'attestation' on the spot until the plastic arrives.

That does mean a visit to an office, but as a last-minute alternative if the card doesn't come it works.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Despite what is claimed by the CPAM there are sometimes delays in actually getting the cards to people.

Don't forget that if all else fails they will issue you with a paper 'attestation' on the spot until the plastic arrives.

That does mean a visit to an office, but as a last-minute alternative if the card doesn't come it works.

[/quote]When I ordered mine on line I got the paper attestation in the post three days later.  But of course this was not just after Christmas and the New Year with snow all over the place!  The card came about three weeks later - still before I went away as it happened. 

Just a quick tip Sweets.  This will happen again next year so why not pop the expiry date of your new card in your diary a month in advance so you won't be tearing your hair out again over this?  You never know when you might make a quick trip to another EU country so why not always have an up do date EHIC regardless?[:)]

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"Just a quick tip Sweets.  This will happen again next year so why not

pop the expiry date of your new card in your diary a month in advance

so you won't be tearing your hair out again over this?  You never know

when you might make a quick trip to another EU country so why not

always have an up do date EHIC regardless?Smile [:)]"

Next year we may have to apply to the UK, for the renewal of our EHIC's.

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[quote user="gosub"]

Next year we may have to apply to the UK, for the renewal of our EHIC's.

[/quote]Yes, but I believe that is only for E form holders, not CMUers like myself and maybe Sweet 17.  Could be wrong....  Same applies though, personally I never wait until I know I'm travelling, I just make sure I always have an in date CEAM/EHIC.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="gosub"]

Next year we may have to apply to the UK, for the renewal of our EHIC's.


Yes, but I believe that is only for E form holders, not CMUers like myself and maybe Sweet 17.  Could be wrong....  Same applies though, personally I never wait until I know I'm travelling, I just make sure I always have an in date CEAM/EHIC.


You are right, I should have made a distinction between E form holders, and those in CPAM.

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I do, normally, make sure our CEAMs are current, just in case we need to travel somewhere in a hurry.  I've only myself to blame.  We thought we wouldn't be going anywhere in a hurry....famous last words.

Then, last summer, I went to walk in Dept 74 but, it was in France and then the summer wore on and we swore (for family reasons and complications) that we wouldn't be going anywhere outside of France.

My situation is complicated by the fact that I am now entitled to an E121 under my own steam, as it were.  But, that's a recent thing and my Carte Vitale (new one with my photo) was only issued earlier this year.

I don't particularly want to rock the boat and I just want the CEAM card, if possible under my old dependence on OH system, for this trip.  Time then to sort out whatever beaucratic measures are necessary when I return.

I hope that Les is right about my being able to get hold of that bit of paper that says I'm OK and covered.  The trip is to Switzerland so I shall be too nervous of depending on my travel insurance alone (taken out with Mondial). 

What if I have to be rescued by air ambulance and have to be taken to a hospital in Switzerland or France or wherever?[:-))]  What if my life were in the balance and I either die or get mega bucks top medical treatment to keep my unworthy self still on this planet?

It's not as unlikely as you think BTW...I've hardly spent more than a weekend in Northern Europe in the winter, nevermind the ski slopes in Switzerland!!!

One thing's for sure, if I don't survive, I won't be able to tell you all anything about it on the Forum![:P]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]Then I'd nip to or phone my CPAM if I were you.  The first time I needed one of these they gave me a paper version on the spot.[:)] [/quote]

Or in 3 days if you apply online in the evening and they post it to you.

Edit: cannot 'do' smilies anymore, boohoo, ;)

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Will have another go, Sue.  But last email not even acknowledged so don't quite know what happened?[/quote]

Don't want to sound damning but you are emailing from within the ameli website aren't you, not directly from your own email account?

If you are then I am at a loss to know what is going awry. Ours works fine in  Morbihan. perhaps you need to move depts sooner than you think!

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"My situation is complicated by the fact that I am now entitled to an

E121 under my own steam, as it were.  But, that's a recent thing and my

Carte Vitale (new one with my photo) was only issued earlier this year"

Did you apply for a new code confidential using your own new carte vitale number? The old code will not work  if you where classed as a dependant on your partners number.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update and to thank everyone who's given me advice about this.

All is now well, positively hunky-dory, in fact.  Saw the CPAM lady today:  she gave me my 2 bits of paper for me and the OH which are "valable" until our CEAM cards arrive.

She also relieved me of the letter from the Pensions Dept re the E121, now I have reached official retirement age and said she'd deal with the changeover from dependent status (on OH's card) to independent.

Said she'd get me 2 Code Confidentials for us to access the Ameli site.

So, it was a pretty good morning's outcome altogether.  To oil the process, I kept offering her bits of paper, birth cert, marriage cert, facture, carte vitale, old CEAM cards, etc etc.

She accepted some and turned down others but then, she did manage to ask me for the single thing I had omitted to take:  my carte bancaire.......damn, I didn't even have a RIB on me!

She did say it didn't matter so I think it was just to take me down a peg or two as I kept offering her more and more stuff to photocopy and began to get more and more confident about asking her for all the various things I wanted her to do.  Serves me right! 

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sweets, this may or may not be of use to you next time or anyone else for that matter.

Our local CPAM has a machine into which you insert your c.v. One of the functions is to produce an instant, paper CEAM valid for 2 or 3 months whilst ordering a card. Card will then be with you in 10/14 days. It worked for us.


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