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Issue of E121


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Not sure nowdays Paul but mine only took a couple of weeks but that was a while ago.

If you've been on IB for a while have you had your reassessment yet for IB?  If not, be prepared to get into the French health system immediately you get here because you'll need your French GP or specialist to sign off on a 20 page reassesment, the good news is it's in English and French.

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Hi - The last reassessment I had was a couple of years ago.

We do intend to get into the French system as soon as possible, as both of us require regular prescriptions (my wife's disabled) and our doctor can only give us 3 months worth  We may, of course, visit back to stretch things a bit.

However, we will be selling our UK house then using our touring caravan before cash-buying in France, so it may be a little while before we have a permanent address. If anyone has done a similar move, we'd like to hear.



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Ok, in that case you can be sure that you'll be reassessed within the next 18 months and for that you'll need a permenant address because if not, the IB  people will not have anywhere to send the forms to.  If the forms are not returned in good time - they're dated for return - then your benefit will be suspended.  And if you do get the forms back in time, you may well have to present yourself for a medical at a doctor nominated by the IB  functionaires, not a doctor of your choosing so if you're not in the UK system, you may well have a problem there.

GPs in France can only issue prescriptions for three months also and then the pharmacists will only issue you with one month at a time.

If you are meaning going back to the Uk to save having to register in France, be careful because you'll be in danger of not being in either system - under the current system and the way benefits are changing, not having a permenant address in the UK or France could mean you are opening a very large can of worms, especially as both you and your wife need regular treatment.

Cooperlola and I are involved in two very long running campaigns - tho hers has now quietened down considerably - over the receipt of benfits/health care and the changes in the French system and what you are suggesting is very risky right now.

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Not sure why this would be risky, unless you are saying that the UK is to step back from the European system they were forced to implement.


I had to retire early through ill-health in 2002 and was last assessed for IB in Sep 2007. I also receive Carers Allowance in respect of my wife who receives DLA care and mobility.elements. The IB, CA and DLA care are all confirmed as exportable benefits, the IB entitling me (and hence my wife) to E121 cover. 

There is an ongoing migration in the UK from Incapacity Benefit to Employment and Support Allowance for most (but not all) claimants. There is a risk that IB might be withdrawn on re-assessment, but as my conditions have not changed I would think it unlikely unless the ground rules change considerably which doesn't seem to be the case yet.

Our timetable would be to buy a property within two or three months of arrival in France. We're not talking years here - hopefully move in within four to five months - so we'll treat it as an extended holiday period using UK health insurance with maybe a visit back to pick up some more prescriptions.

I heard a rumour the other day that DLA might soon be a qualifying benefit for an E121.


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You've clarified things a little more now.

You have said that the CA and DLA are confirmed, is that by the DWP?  If not you need to get that in writing as soon as possible.

You must also make sure that your extended holiday is under 26 weeks and that you maintain a UK address during that time or you will find yourself in the queue with the other 350 people appealing a decision not to award DLA/CA because of the 26/52 week past/presence rule.  Trust me on this, we have been fighting these cases since the ECJ judgement of October 2007 and the past/presence argument is being used by the DWP in the same circumstances to refuse benefit.

As for IB, the majority of people on IB and living in the EU may take the same view that their condition has not changed.  However, the rules have and despite people having been signed off work totally and wholly by their UK GPs when they took ill-health early retirement, they are still being reassessed even when their condition has deteriorated.  In conversations with the office responsible for sending out the forms, they have made it clear that they will be re-assessing everybody eventually, whether resident in the UK or not and, if thought necessary, they will be medically examined.

HMG have stated that they have not yet decided on the E121 being a gateway benefit - but without IB at the moment, if you are a UK inactif in France and without the support of another E form, your position could be difficult. 

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