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EHIC French version


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Benjamin:  We saw that thread too (re EHIC cards from UK).  But: Mr H's French EHIC card ran out at the end of October and he has been issued with another French one with an expiry date October 2010.  He is the holder of an E121.  

We find it bizarre that the UK pay France for our health care but then will pay again if we are taken ill in say Germany - where our daughter lives - and in any case what happens in the UK itself if we are ill when visiting Granny? We would not expect to get treatment free as we do not live in the UK but are the hospitals going to understand a UK EHIC card being used???? Very odd.  Sorry to go rather off thread.

Mrs H

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[quote user="Hereford"]

Benjamin:  We saw that thread too (re EHIC cards from UK).  But: Mr H's French EHIC card ran out at the end of October and he has been issued with another French one with an expiry date October 2010.  He is the holder of an E121.  


Possibly because the new arrangements do not begin until April 2010 ?


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[quote user="Maricopa"]

In that case you need to apply for your EHIC on the RSI/ RAM site, the Ameli site is only for those that access their healthcare through the CPAM.


Maricopa, do you have the URL for a CEAM application please ? I am struggling trying to find the right site.



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  • 1 month later...
[quote user="Benjamin"]Just adding that from a previous thread (which I cannot find) any holders of UK 'E' forms will have to get their EHIC from the UK as from 1st April 2010. The number to call is 00 44 191 218 1999.



From a conversation with the UK EHIC office (00441912127500) the start date for the new system has been delayed until 1st May 2010. Holders of E109's and E121's will be contacted closer to the date and issued with an EHIC.

For those who's CEAM's expire before then you will need to contact your current French provider for temporary cover until 30th April. However it's unlikely that news of this delay will have filtered down to local level so it may be best to contact your local International Department who will be more likely to be up to speed on this change.

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Have I missed the point of this thread? Having re-read it I still don't understand. Why would someone living in France, and in possession of an E121, have to obtain their EHIC from the UK? Surely they'd be in the French system and applying for a CEAM from the French system (www.ameli.fr).

Is this latest news saying that all "E" holders will in future apply to UK for their European health card? Could you post a link please?


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Thanks for that link. Having read it Judith seems as confused as me!

I've just renewed our CEAMs so hopefully by the time we need to renew again next December (assuming that we get cards with 12-months validity) it'll all have been sorted and the procedure will be clear by then. For the past 4 years we've applied online and been issued with CEAMs very quickly, so we have no problem with the French system.

I too, am concerned that a card issued by the UK will not be valid for treatment in the UK. I can't be alone in worrying about this, many of us (ex-pats, that is) travel fairly frequently back to UK, and the whole point of the card is to ensure that we get treatment should the need arise.

I'll watch for developments!


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We agree Sid, and said much the same thing earlier in this thread.  Be interesting to see what actually happens.  We liked our French cards as they are apparently accepted in Quebec where our son lives! Never had to try it out though.

Mrs H

Edit.  Ignore bit about Quebec - it is the ordinary Carte Vitale that is (apparently) useful in Quebec - not, of course the European card,

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It seems to me that if UK issues the EHIC it is equivalent to them accepting responsibility for your health care in UK irrespective of your actual country of residence.

E forms provided care in other countries, i.e. France, but UK still remains responsible for your care in others, including UK.

Needs someone to put it to the test and I'm not volunteering !

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  • 1 month later...
I thought it might be useful to bring this thread back with some more information for when UK issue EHIC cards for us OAP's living in France:

I received, yesterday,  the form saying that I will get my EHIC from the UK from 1st May.  No problem - I will fill in the form.

However I emailed the "overseas healthcare team" and asked what would happen if I was taken ill in the UK whilst there on a visit - bearing in mind that one does not use an EHIC card in the country of issue.

I have had an immediate reply to say:

You will use your UK issued EHIC card in the UK if you are taken ill there. 


I told them that I would print out their reply so that I could prove my entitlement if needed  !!

Mrs H.

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Maybe not so bizarre. Virtually every website where it mentioned that it is not for use in the UK is aimed at a UK resident audience for whom the statement is correct.

The fact that UK issue an individual with an EHIC must be de facto evidence that they accept responsible for that persons health care, insofar as it providing equivalent cover to that which an insured resident of any particular participating country might receive. If that country happened to be UK then it is free at point of delivery however I would be very interested to see what discrimination might be practically applied in terms of the range and scope of the cover provided under an EHIC as opposed to the full cover enjoyed by any UK resident.

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