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Complete France Forum

Carte Vitale and E109 problems

Mel Adamson

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My mother has been living in france for 5 years plus and has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. My father still works in the uk and has applied for an E109 as my mother is a dependant. My mothers carte vitale is not working and she has to pay for any appointment/consultaion/medication that she has. This is very costly and in one day she had to pay out nearly 200 euros, which she simply cannot afford. There is a problem at newcastle as they were recently on strike and have not yet looked at the E109 application as there is a back log of applications. This is already a very worrying time for my mother and she really does not need the added stress of how she is going to find the money to pay for all her appointments and consultations. I have come over from scotland to be with her, but i am due to return on the 8th april, also my father is due to return to work on the 6th april, so my mother is going to be on her own until the 20th april and i would really like some advice on how to get things running more smoothly for her. Please, i really hope somebody can help as i feel like we are banging our heads off of a brick wall.

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If your mother has been registered for state healthcare insurance for the last five years (as required by law) and has a carte vital, then there should be no reason for it not to 'work'. If this is the case, then she should contact her CPAM and ask them to investigate.

On the other hand, do you mean that she has never been registered and the prospect of her now being faced with much higher medical expenses has prompted your father to regularise matters by applying for an E109?  If that is the case, then they are at the mercy of Newcastle.


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You don't say where you are - but this organisation has branches all over France (I recently heard a presentation form the Languedoc branch) and basically they are there to help (in English) those who are suffering from cancer - this includes relatives of course.  Everything from talking (aka samaritans) to going with you to consultants etc, with a French speaker who can ensure that you know all about treatments etc.

This doesn't answer your original question - but I am sure they may be able to help and guide you, and make sure that your mother has the help she needs when you cannot be there.....


or put cancer support france into google and it should come up..

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