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If you move to France with an illness such as Type 2 Diabetis, do you still have to comply with the 5 year residency rule (ie. aprrox 2 years cover by UK and then take out private health for the balance of the 5 years) or do you automatically get included into the system and get free prescriptions for this and related illnesses? Also, once you are excepted into the system (either immediately or after 5 years) and benefit from free prescriptions for said illness, am I correct in thinking that you would still have to join CPAM and pay your 8% cottisations and other non related illnesses would only be reimbursed at the normal rate?



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Your thinking is correct as far as I know; no doubt some of those with more in-depth knowledge will tell you more.

After your E-form expires you need to have private insurance. The possible exception is if you develop a condition that rules out private assurance while you are in France then you might be admitted into the system, but I don't see how pre-existing conditions could be included. When in the system, if your condition is recommended by your doctor and agreed by your primary medical assurer for 100% ALD cover you will still only be reimbursed at standard rate for other treatments, medication etc, and you will still be liable for cotisations.

A possible way around the private assurance question would be a start a small business under the autoentrepreneur scheme. As the rules stand at present you could get three years health cover even if you don't earn anything. Nobody knows if or when that loophole will be plugged though.

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The thing which makes the new rules (sorry Norman, I use the term for the latest incarnation of the health rules, OK?) so bad in my view is precisely this - it is virtually impossible for such a person to retire early here.  You must comply with the 5 year rule before you can join CMU but with type 2 diabetes (or any other similar condition) you cannot get insurance for that condition so cannot legally comply with the new residency rules.

Nab me over the weekend and I'll try to explain a little more (if we can hear each other, that is.)  Or give me a call after the fun's over and we'll chat about it.

The only legal option is to get some sort of job; many are using the AE scheme to do this as far as I can see but in that direction traps may also lie. 

The EU Commission is investigating France's position on this but it could take forever to resolve, if indeed it ever is.

For more info. see our website.

I simultaneously posted with Will but concur with his observations also.

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Coops - in general I agree with you about it being difficult for the early retired to move to France. But the 'easy' way to do it is to pay social contributions by being self employed - for which the simplest way is probably to own gite/s and register them as a business. I am surprised the sale of gites is not escallating!
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giteowner, I don't think it is that straightforward, as I believe there is a minimum hours requirement and under the AE regime my understanding is that it does not cover your spouse. But there are others more qualified to advise.

The fact remains that politically the French government do not want low income early retirees, especially those with health conditions to move to France and therefore the risk is that any loopholes will be closed and the French authorities will be obstructive to newcomer early retirees in the meantime..
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