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Sleep apnoea


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We have had a holiday home in Charente Maritime for a short while now but are thinking of moving permanently to France. I have a couple of health issues, one of which is sleep apnoea. Does anyone else have this and how do you manage with the machine etc., in France?

This is the only thing that would stop us moving as we love the area we have our house in and would want to buy a bigger house to live in all the time. Everytime we get back to the UK we both want to be back in France but not the other way around LOL!!!
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It's not a problem, your machine will plug in as normal. As for new masks etc, there's a company that sends here that is quite good. (probably several & French) Plus there are sleep clinics here, if needed, so once you have a GP here, inform them that you suffer with sleep apnoea/apnée du sommeil
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Thanks Jayjay, that is good to know, it was the one thing that really worried me as I can't sleep without my machine !!!

I have been using my machine for 6 years now and it is fine when plugged into our house in France. It was the after care that bothered me. I would have to buy my own machine I think though as the one I have is on loan from the Sleep Clinic in Oxford. Just been over there this week to change the machine for a new one too!!!!
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I agree that you should have no problems, but one word of caution.

When I first moved to France, admittedly several years ago now, the GP had never heard of the condition, despite my attempts to explain it in French and showing her printouts (in French) from web sites about it. I felt my machine needed testing and updating as it was already getting rather old and I suspected was losing its effectiveness. The GP's best suggestion was to prescribe oxygen. I think she was of the persuasion that if she hadn't come across a condition before, it couldn't really exist, and a mere patient couldn't teach her anything. Investigating the various clinics and hospitals indicated that there were then no sleep clinics in the locality. So I waited until I was back in England (and officially back under the NHS, before the forum police crawl out from under their stones).

An acquaintance in our area in France, though, has recently been diagnosed and issued with all the necessary equipment.

So it's luck of the draw - if you experience the same as I did, it would probably be worth talking to (and changing to) another, more informed, GP.

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