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As usual, renewal of CMU de B and no avis d'imposition


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Once again the letter from CMU de B has to be returned by 15 Sept, I've contacted our tax office here and have been told our avis will be sent out by the end of September. Not very helpful.

I contacted CPAM to ask if it is ok to send the documents I have in my possession and this is their reply

"Pour faire suite à votre courriel, afin de compléter votre dossier de CMUC, vous devez fournir tous les justificatifs concernant les ressources effectivement perçues au cours des 12 mois civils précédant la demande.

Joindre éventuellement l'avis d'imposition (ressources, composition du foyer) si vous l'avez en votre possession.

Une attestation sur l'honneur, en l'absence de justificatifs "

Am I correct in my translation that they are saying send what we have now and send the rest when we have it?

Anyone else have this problem?

Many thanks
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Your assumption is correct - they want proof of your income now and a copy of the avis when it gets to you.  If you completed your return online, then you should find a copy of the avis is available in your personal file on the impots website.  I usually sent a copy of the tax form I'd filled in and a copy of the tax estimate from the impots website.

Normally we do have the same problem as you but for the first time in six years the bl**dy thing actually turned up on time.  Wonders will never cease.  There's another (quite long) thread on this subject lurking about somewhere, Mogs.

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