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HMRC & Workers E106 Renewal


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Just in case there are others on workers E106's coming up for renewal HMRC have just told me that they currently have a 63 day workload and therefore that I should get my renewal application in now for my late October renewal date.

Sometimes you just cannot win because last year when we sent it in about 6 weeks before the due date they sent it back and told us we were too early and to apply no more than 4 weeks in advance :shock:

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I have recalled now that the real reason HMRC returned my application last year was that they needed the most recent payslip before the E106 due date but I had submitted the latest one I had which was for the previous month.

The fact that they are now telling me to apply so far in advance means that I cannot possibly include the payslip they will want so I'm likely to get it returned yet again. Another phone call beckons !

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  • 3 months later...
Just a further update:

As I still had not received my E106 (now around 80 working days since I applied), and been told 3 weeks ago that I would get it in the next 2 weeks, I phoned HMRC today to find out where it was only to initially be told that there was now an 80 day workload !

Obviously I protested that I'd sent it in early on their advice and the woman said that she would have it looked at as an emergency but was brusque to the point of rudeness about it and all but hung up on me.

The place really has gone to the dogs !

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I too had a delay of about 3 months and during one call was told if I needed the S1 urgently they would fast track it. That leads me to wonder what would happen if everyone with a form sitting in their in-tray rang and said they had an urgent need.

As it was I missed an appointment for a test (routine) waiting for mine and when it came it was dated for the original renewal date, hence I had lost 2 months of cover and paid 2 months useless mutuelle contributions since I was unable to access the health system during the hiatus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="greyman"]I wasn't. My entitlement was withdrawn on the expiry date and not reinstated till I was able to produce my S1.[:@]
[/quote]And I assume from your ealier post that you could not have got a refund either.  Must have been pretty tough for the two of you in the present circs.[:(]

How is Rose by the way? - still glowing in the dark?

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I'll check with 'er indoors but I'm reasonably certain that we've had no communication from CPAM, not even a letter to say it was expiring, but then fortunately neither have we needed to use our CV's during the wait.

Maybe our CPAM recognise that HMRC are tardy with such renewals or, whats more likely, they are too poorly organised to realise it was expiring !

Either way though it really is unacceptable and I think I might write to HMRC pointing out the problems such delays can cause.

Maybe it's a case for SOLVIT ?

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

And I assume from your ealier post that you could not have got a refund either.  Must have been pretty tough for the two of you in the present circs.[:(]

How is Rose by the way? - still glowing in the dark?


Hi coops. You're right, no refund. Fortunately Rose has her own cover which includes our son so she was unaffected, otherwise I would have poured steam down the line ! I didn't have time to be ill so no harm done ultimately.

Rose's glow is waning and her side effects are fading too. She's even out at band rehearsal tonight, now that she's a rock star. I've been regaled with Yellow, Chasing Cars, You Do Something to Me and various other modern ballads today. She loves singing and is very good. It's given her something to work for.

Sorry for waffling on your thread ANO.

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What bunch of useless lying idiots [:@]

As my E106 had still not shown up I phoned again this morning. I hadn't previously twigged that the claimed date of issue, the 4th, was a Saturday so when I queried that and asked if they indeed did work on Saturdays I was, after a brief but telling pause, blithely told 'oh, it must be a mistake' and then promised that a replacement would be sent out immediately.

Now looking for where to voice my complaint as it's just not good enough. 

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I suspect (although I have little evidence for this) that those on the end of the phone just cannot conceive of a health system where you don't just walk in and get treated.  I remember some years ago, a friend of mine getting severely caught out when they came over here for a few days and for some reason had neither bothered to get an E111 or renew their travel insurance.  When she was taken ill, they were astonished that there was a cashier in the hospital and that they were expected to pay the bill! 

Even though those you are dealing with, ANO, work at this all day and every day, I sometimes doubt whether those brought up with the NHS ever understand the true nature of the E form and why it's important!  Perhaps, as you said before, an approach to SOLVIT would help.  The other place to "have a go" is the Conservatives Abroad website.  They had a good whinge about how the previous government didn't support us in spite of the fact that we still have the power to vote for them.  Maybe now's the time to get them to put their money where their mouths are, as it were.

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I have just checked, we ordered our E106 from the CPAM in February this year and as soon as it came I sent a copy of it off to Newcastle, and that was on the 23 of June.

So who is bad at this, both ends it seems. Ofcourse the difference is that we can 'just walk in' now.
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On the subject of HMR&C, I received a letter from the Cardiff office (TynWally) yesterday telling me that they had been going through my records and discovered that I owed £969.29 back tax from the year 8008-09.

Wait until they find that I haven’t paid tax since I was refunded all of my back taxes from 06-07 onwards, what will they do then?

 These people are so damn stupid that they had to be informed twice by the tax office in Nottingham that I was exempt from any further income tax payments as I no longer lived in the UK.

I also read out the letter that I had received from the Nottingham office informing me that I am exempt from any further taxation, plus all the reference numbers.

Now It now looks as though they are doing the same thing all over again, wasting tax payer’s money on a fruitless exercise.

I thing this lot of morons are on a job saving exercise, if this is the case I assume that I’m not going to be the only one being investigated, as this was indeed implied by the guy I spoke to yesterday afternoon. So Be Warned!!


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