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No eviction until 15 March 2009


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Rentals: no evictions until 15 March 2009

According to article L 613-3 of the code de la construction et de l’habitation, tenants in France cannot be evicted between 1 November 2008 and 15 March 2009.

The exceptions:

An eviction remains possible

  • if the occupant and his family are offered suitable alternative accommodation
  • if the the property is in such a dangerous condition that it is subject to a court order
  • if the persons

    whose expulsion was ordered entered the premises illegally (squatters)
In the rental sector, the rent is seen as unpaid when either 3 consecutive

terms are completely unpaid, or when the tenant owes

the landlord an amount equal to at least twice the gross monthly

rent and associated charges.

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Always a difficult time for people with property rented.  However all is not lost, we managed to get rid of a very difficlt tenant that had not paid many other owners stretching back to 1997.


After the 15th march 2009 again a time for owners to be careful, as many tenants are in the process of being evicted and need to find another person to con.



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  • 2 weeks later...
our dodgy glaswegian couple started quoting this law; but we were reliably informed that as ours was advertised as a gite; we would get them out:they  wouldn't accept the contract I gave them; so they had nothing in writing ; the women recko,ned she knew all the French laws as she had read them in a book in England: but they went after I sent them a registered letter:

I'm just thankful they have gone; although we got no money; at least they aren't building up any more on the electric: they already owe us 97€  thats apart from the rent: for 5 weeks: they reduced the rent they were paying by 1/4 saying it was winter rates:then expected us to provide heating for them: :

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