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Is this the system or just pedantic?


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Our son is employed two nights a week by a local residential college.  Last week he was suffering with the mother of all colds, but struggled into work anyway.  The following morning the boss told him not to bother to come in that evening, but rest up and get rid of the cold etc........

This morning, our son has received a text asking whether he has been to the doctor and got a medical certificate for the night he was told not to go in for?  Would that be normal in France?

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The two companies I have worked for here seem to operate in that manor, even for one day off they tend to ask for a doctors note. Never caused me a problem, it just meant that you owed them the hours and would have to replace them at some stage as they will probably pay him anyway. So, it is best to get a note for everything even a cold!! waste of the doctors time in my opinion as there is little anyone can do about a cold except just wait til it gets better.

I often hear people here say "you've got a cold, have you been to the doctor to get some antibiotics?"!!!
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Normal procedure - it covers entitlement to sick pay for days off.

The employee goes to the doctor who gives him an 'arrêt de travail' in three parts.  He sends two parts to his CPAM and gives the third part to his employer who sends an attestation de salaire to CPAM who then pay the employee his sick pay.


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True, There is a place on the certificate "sortie autoriser" the doctor will put a time in there if appropriate and you can be out of the house during that period, as said medical visits are ok. I guess if they were to do a control and you wern't in you would have to give a good reason for not being at home.

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Thanks for the replies.  We have since heard that the certificate is also needed to justify the claim of the additional wages paid to the member of staff who covered for our son.......

......but what a complete waste of everybody's time.  This system was abandoned years ago in the UK in favour of self-certfication for minor ailments, particularly by the public sector.  It was widely acknowledged that the system was open to abuse, but in my experience, proper policing of it soon put a stop to that.  From what has been said above it seems like the French are three-quarters there already with the possibility of spot checks at home.

I don't know what my son is going to do here, perhaps offer to do an additional shift as a gesture of goodwill............not exactly the gesture he had in mind this morning, though!

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