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I am employed as a delivery driver, with a CDI contract. In July 2010 I had a back operation, and have been off since. Yesterday, I had an appointment with the médecin du travail, and in her opinion, I am not able to continue with the job, however, she wants the opinion of an expert, and I have an appointment with the surgeon next week.

In the meantime, she mentioned being reclassed through COTOREP, and a dossier needs to be prepared. Has anyone any experience with COTOREP, and what can I expect from them, ie help, money etc. Anyway advice is very much appreciated.

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As far as I know, COTOREP is the organisation that determines your level of disability. There is a points system (hence the thick and complex "dossier" that will determine, in percentage, how disabled you are. If you are found to be at least 80% disabled, then you will be entitled to AAH (Allocation Adulte Handicapé).

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