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Changing your address with CPAM


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I tried to do this yesterday - we've moved departments - just - the next village is in the same dept as before! - and they said they could not change the address, I have to go to a CPAM office in the new dept.  They could not tell me where that was (did you expect them to know - yes!!).  Iknow you can do it online,but I'm resisting that option, I want to be sure they do it right.

So I think it is up to you. 

When I told my doctor we'd moved he just said, give me your new tel no - so no, he's not worried - we are still near enough to stay with him if we wish, and he hasn't objected.   We may move doctor's eventually, but he's OK, can speak a bit of English, is good without being over keen, and it is not all that far away still, so we'll stay with him for the mo.

Cannot remember if you have changed departments, but that might have a fluence!!

Take care

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Judith, I was rather hoping you'd come on and give me the benefit of your experience.  OK then, off to the CPAM in the NEW department....

Will be happy to change doctors especially if s/he runs a more efficient surgery.  Oh, the times I'd had to sit for up to 2 hours, waiting to be seen even though I have an appointment!

I'll just ask where the CPAM place is from the mairie and just hope to goodness it's not miles and miles away.


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Thanks, don't know why I didn't find that when I was looking - oh, I know, I went via the changing address route - didn't help!

And bother - my nearest is now Beziers - which town I do not like finding my way around - and it's further than Narbonne or Carcassonne, which are now in the wrong department, but both of which I know better.

Ah well, it will wait till I have another reason to go, with luck .....  though I am not sure Beziers is good at these things ... too many immigrants (and by that I do not mean from the EU).

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It is not her change of address that Sweets wishes to notify, but the change of médecin traitant

You need a form 

cerfa n°12485*01 that you can print off from the Internet

You ask you new doctor to fill in the part about her/him

The Service public site says

La déclaration du médecin traitant s'effectue au moyen du formulaire

cerfa n°12485*01 qu'il est possible d'imprimer par internet ou de

retirer auprès de sa caisse d'assurance maladie.

Dans le cas d'une personne mineure (de 16 à 18 ans), il est nécessaire de faire co-signer le formulaire par l'un de ses parents.

Ce formulaire est à remplir en présence du médecin traitant choisi par l'assuré, qui complète la partie le concernant.

En cas de changement de médecin traitant, il suffit de

renouveler la démarche et de retourner un nouveau formulaire rempli à sa



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[quote user="Judith"]Coops,

Ah well, it will wait till I have another reason to go, with luck .....  though I am not sure Beziers is good at these things ... too many immigrants (and by that I do not mean from the EU).


I take it that you do not count your self as an immigrant then?

Or is that a term reserved for people not from  Britain or the EU (except perhaps the second -class bit in the old Eastern bloc)

Please enlighten

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you, Pommier.  And for people who might also need to know, this is my current situation.

Have gone to the CPAM bods, met a really helpful man who took our new address, etc.

No need for facture, no need for anything other than our cartes vitales.  Said he'd contact Bayonne (presumably our new office) and that he'd send for our dossiers from la Rochelle.

In the meantime, not yet found a new medecin traitant so went to old one in Dept 17, got my usual ordnance, took to chemist in "new" area, no questions asked.

Now got to find new doctor in the next 3 months (when ordnance runs out) and I am hoping that all the paperwork will have been regularised.

Hope this post will help someone in a similar situation.  Otherwise, please just totally ignore.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Have gone to the CPAM bods, met a really helpful man who took our new address, etc.

No need for facture, no need for anything other than our cartes vitales.  Said he'd contact Bayonne (presumably our new office) and that he'd send for our dossiers from la Rochelle.



I'm so glad you found a helpful man.  (And you have changed departments, haven't you, like us?) When I tried to do this in the new departments CPAM office, the lady I got was very unhelpful - so I am trying to do it online and see what happens.  I really cannot understand (other than the need to show how important they are) why it should be so difficult, especially as you seem to have sailed through (at least I hope so).

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Judith, did you go to your new CPAM HQ?

I didn't bother to drive to ours, just found out when "personne de CPAM" was going to be in our local big town (only a few kms away), and went to see him.

In my last dept, the bod only comes once a month on market day but here he is with us every Wednesday so it was rather a cinch.  In fact, he would have changed our medecin traitant for us except that we haven't chosen anybody yet so he just gave us the forms (as per Norman's post) to fill in and give to the new doctor to sign as and when.

Perfectly pleasant and pain-free (for a change![:)]).  In fact, I was beginning to think I was living in Sunday Driverland (as someone or other has dubbed the paradise in France where the bucreaucracy works all in your favour!)

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Yes, well one of them.  Since it's next to the sous-pref, I think it could be regarded as the big one. 

I'm going to see what happens after the online actions, they said it would be actioned within 2 weeks, and then start again if needed. 

I'm not sure if we get any visits to the village by CPAM - will investigate.

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