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Complete France Forum

Migraines - Barometric Pressure


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This site allows you to check it in different areas of France (and other countries) and on different days so that you can see how much it changes from one day to the next. http://pro.meteo24.com/uk/index.php?go=2,5&geoMenu=4&geoItem=xx_fr_over
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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry to have picked this thread up late but in answer to your OP from what I remember from my meteorology studies you need to find an area of the least temperature change e.g. close to the equator, or islands such as Hawaii or the Azores.

If your looking at just France, I don’t think your needs will be satisfied, there are too many frontal systems passing through.

Best talk to a professional met man, they can normally be approached at airports and ports.

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