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Hairloss after operation


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Suey, don't know if it will help you but it might be worth a try and cost nothing:  STOP using any shampoo on your hair.

This has been discussed before a few times on the Forum.  It's Jonzjob who started this particular "craze". 

I have had fantastic results (as have others).  Mind you, I didn't have an operation so don't know if it will be the same for you.

Certainly, since I stopped using shampoo (I think perhaps 3 years ago), my hair is now very thick and has a nice sheen to it.

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The answer, suey, is NOTHING.

Just warm water and that's it!

Mind you, it doesn't mean you don't wash your hair.  You'd probably wash it MORE often to begin with as you won't be used to having no smell of shampoo on your hair and it might feel dirty to you.

If you could put up with the first few weeks, the hair begins to settle down and it will become very manageable and will slow its rate of loss.

If Jonz sees this, he will come and describe how he and Mrs Jonz haven't used shampoo for years and if Bubbles (if she's not too busy lapping up the sun somewhere) is around, she will also be able to tell you about her positive experience.

In any event, I do hope you find something that will really work for you.

Hope you are feeling better, BTW?

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Go see the doctor anyway, Suey.

As I emphasised the no shampoo thing worked for me and I also said I didn't have any operation.

In any case, you could still go to the doctor or any other expert and try no shampoo, can't you?  It' not mutually exclusive  and it costs nothing.

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 I found this : http://www.homemademedicine.com/home-remedies-hair-loss-in-women.html but you'll have to weed through it in case any remedy's are contra indicated.

 With all due respect to jonzjob I think his idea is fine for those who are happy to have their hair 'au naturel', but some of us colour or perm our hair and that make the no shampoo thing a bit of a pain as you are going back to the start quite often.....

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Hello there.

Yes, as Sweets says, I can vouch for the no poo method. It has made a great difference to me.

Must confess that I continued to colour it once a month and very occasionally used conditioner but no shampoo has touched my scalp for probably 18 months now.

Recently changed over to henna for colouring my hair and have seen a further improvement. My hair is now much much thicker and shinier than it ever was. And I don't get told off for clocking up the plughole any more either!!

Good luck. Let us know how you get on, sueyh.
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There is one thing for sure, it will do no harm whatsoever only rinsing hair with warm water.

And if it helps Sue, then what a bonus that will be!

Were you told to expect hair loss ? As has been said, it will probably be worth mentioning to your Dr anyway.
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I was told (although obviously the reason I'm supposedly about to lose my hair is rather different) to wash and rinse in as cool a temperature of water as possible; to avoid brushing  but to use a large-tooth comb and to use a shampoo as free of chemicals as possible (Neutrogena is good but I've yet to find it over here and have found Nivea sensitive to work well thus far.)  There is also a number of anti-hairloss products available at pharmacies but how well they work, I don't know (I can't imagine that they're all that good or I guess there'd be no bald chaps about.)  But whatever, it's always worth asking your chemist for some advice - ours is really helpful and charming and doesn't always recommend profitable "cures" as I might have expected they would.
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Well, as Sweet17 said I have found ths via my OH and as she said we ain't used sham-poo for 22 years now, this month, and it has not done us any harm at all, but also as RH said situations are so very different, especially after an op!

But what ever the situation is I just don't see any reason of putting pure chemicals on your head that strip the natural oils off of the scalp. All the scalp will do is to fight hard to replace them. I am not talking here about hair loss, but about the health of the scalp and the natural oils it produces. If you really want to know wht the chemical companies put in sham-poo (they are not the  beauty companies they want you to think they are!) then just google something like shampoo problems!

I am devoleping a bald spot in the centre back of my head, but the scalp is good and not dry as it would probably be with chemicals rubbed into it several times a week. Some will say that I don't do anything to get it dirty? I do a lot of wood turning and that produces a boat load of very fine and dry dust. In fact enough that I use an expensive positive pressure full face dust mask  http://www.jsp.co.uk/products/Respiratory-Protection/PowerCap-Powered-Air/CAD602-201-100_PowerCap-Lite-Impact-Protection-4-Hour-Re-Chargeable-Black-UK-Plug

Coops, I wish you the very best and I look forward to you not only seeing but enjoying the light at the end of your too long tunnel. Grosse bisous!!

If you must drink sham-----poo try Blanquette du Limoux instead, the original that sham----poo copied and about 1/3rd the price for better quality[6]

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I've found the "no shampoo at all" solution a bit daunting for me as I have been told to rinse in (virtually) cold water so after a couple of days my head itched so much I was doing my scalp more harm than good (scratching and hence possible bleeding being a no-no for me).  It might work better for you than for me though, Sue, as you can persist and also use warmer water to wash away any dirt.

Thanks, JJ.[:)]

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I too tried the no shampoo technique for 3 or 4 months several years ago. It didn't suit me - I get sweaty when I exercise and I wear hats in winter. I also get wet if it's raining and I'm walking the dog or otherwise outdoors. Several well-meaning (and genuine!) friends asked if I'd got a "health" (hygiene?) problem of some kind as I smelt like a wet labrador when my hair was damp. Perhaps that's a "natural" smell but then, so is BO and that's not attractive either. [:D]

I concluded that for me, regular rinsing wasn't sufficient - particularly as my hair is on the long side. I now use less shampoo (a good quality one) less often and will freshen up my hair inbetween shampoos by rinsing and applying some conditioner into the ends but stopping shampooing completely didn't suit me. And I can't remember noticing any particular benefits for my hair during the no shampoo period anyway.

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