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Health care - Dependent


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I don't know about legal definitions but this is the scenario for my

husband and I. I work in France and am registered with CPAM, he's listed

as my dependant and is older than me.

There wasn't any question/issue with this when we first registered.

Does that help?


could try the ameli site (I think it's www.ameli.fr but not sure) which

might give you the "official" line, or speak to someone at your CPAM
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I am sure that there are men who have "piggy-backed" onto their younger wife's S1 for example when she reaches 60 and so gets her UK pension, but he is not yet of pensionable age, but I am not in that position so can't be sure.

When Cooperlola is back I am sure she will have more info.

Simply within the French system one member of a family can earn  a 'Carte Vitale'  by working and the rest be covered on it, even parents I think.

La Sécurité sociale prévoit qu’une personne qui est à la charge

effective et permanente d’un assuré social peut obtenir le statut

d’ayant droit de cet assuré. Cela lui permet de bénéficier de la

couverture sociale de ce dernier et donc d’obtenir le remboursement des

frais médicaux de l’Assurance Maladie et Maternité. Cette possibilité

est offerte au concubin ou partenaire d’un PACS de l’assuré mais aussi

aux personnes de la même famille qui habitent avec lui depuis au moins 1

an, à ses enfants, ses ascendants, ses collatéraux (personnes qui n’ont

pas un lien de parenté direct).


No mention of relative ages there I think

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[quote user="Burbiliser"]Thank you but your reasoning may not be in accordance with the French health authority's. I was looking for a legal definition to "dependent spouse" within the French health care context. I've checked out Yeats but he's no help either, neither is his medium.[/quote]

I think you've had your answer which is 'yes' and I think there are a good number of people here who will tell you that that is exactly their situation.

Perhaps it would help if you explained the reason for the question, have you for instance been refused ?

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I don't think that the French Secu is terribly interested.

By that I mean that if Newcastle issues an E121 for both parties (and if one qualifies, then the other sort-of follows), then they get their money. "Getting their money" means getting a flat rate agreed between the governments to cover health care over here.

The age of the dependant doesn't come in to it. 

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