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help with admin process


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You get the form (bon de transport) from the person who referred you initially. Make sure they sign it. This may be a specialist, your French GP or someone else.

If you are recalled to the hospital for further examination/treatment then it becomes the responsibility of the person/establishment making that decision.

There is also a summary sheet to be completed but I can't just think what it is called.

The rates of reimbursment are on the Amelie website.

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The summary sheet is often handed over with the first bon de transport.  If not it is available to download here http://www.ameli.fr/fileadmin/user_upload/formulaires/S3140.pdf

The rate (indemnités kilométriques) are here  http://www.ameli.fr/assures/soins-et-remboursements/combien-serez-vous-rembourse/frais-de-transport/quel-remboursement.php

Remember to ask for (and save) receipts on the autoroute too.

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thanks for replies but just to clarify:

I have received form s 3139c Demande d'accord prealable Prescription medical de transport from my GP as the journey is over 150km.

what do I do with it??

when I see the specialist at the hospital I ask for a bon de transport ? is that form s 3138c prescription medicale de transport?

fill in form s 3140 b ETAT DE FRAIS with all toll receipts and parking and attach to bon de transport. Send to cpam with my bank a/c details??

thanks in advance


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[quote user="frenchdc"]

thanks for replies but just to clarify:

I have received form s 3139c Demande d'accord prealable Prescription medical de transport from my GP as the journey is over 150km.

what do I do with it??

Send volets 1 and 2 to your CPAM marked for the attention of M. le médecin conseil.  If you don't hear back from them within fifteen days, you can consider it approved. 

when I see the specialist at the hospital I ask for a bon de transport ? is that form s 3138c prescription medicale de transport?


fill in form s 3140 b ETAT DE FRAIS with all toll receipts and parking and attach to bon de transport. Send to cpam with my bank a/c details??


thanks in advance


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